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Showing words for SELVAGE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Selvage
6 Letter Words for Selvage
5 Letter Words for Selvage
4 Letter Words for Selvage
3 Letter Words for Selvage
Definitions for Selvage
[1] the edge of woven fabric finished so as to prevent raveling, often in a narrow tape effect, different from the body of the fabric.
[2] any similar strip or part of surplus material, as at the side of wallpaper.
[3] Also called margin. Philately . the surplus paper or margin around a sheet of stamps: The number of the plate block appears in the selvage.
[4] a plate or surface through which a bolt of a lock passes.
[5] the finished nonfraying edge of a length of woven fabric
[6] a similar strip of material allowed in fabricating a metal or plastic article, used esp for handling components during manufacture
Words related to Selvage
edge, limit, surplus, threshold, brink, fringe, boundary, line, outskirt, skirt, verge, extra, frame, bound, rim, leeway, brim, space, hem, field
Words nearby Selvage
sellout, selma, selsyn, seltzer, selva, selvage, selves, selye, selznick, sem, sem.
Origin of Selvage
1425–75; late Middle English, respelling of self + edge, modeled on Middle Dutch selfegghe (Dutch zelfegge )
Words that may be confused with Selvage
Other words from Selvage
sel·vaged , adjective
Word origin for Selvage
C15: from self + edge ; related to Dutch selfegghe, German Selbende
Synonyms for Selvage
edge, limit, surplus, allowance, bound, boundary, brim, brink, compass, extra, field, frame, hem, latitude, leeway, lip, perimeter, periphery, play, rim, scope, shore, side, skirt, space, trimming, verge, confine, elbowroom