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Showing words for SERMON using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Sermon
5 Letter Words for Sermon
4 Letter Words for Sermon
3 Letter Words for Sermon
Definitions for Sermon
[1] a discourse for the purpose of religious instruction or exhortation, especially one based on a text of Scripture and delivered by a member of the clergy as part of a religious service.
[2] any serious speech, discourse, or exhortation, especially on a moral issue.
[3] a long, tedious speech.
[4] an address of religious instruction or exhortation, often based on a passage from the Bible, esp one delivered during a church service a written version of such an address
[5] a serious speech, esp one administering reproof
Words related to Sermon
tirade, homily, advice, exhortation, preaching, lecture, lesson, pastoral, discourse, doctrine, address, harangue, moralism, preachment, preach
Words nearby Sermon
serjeant at arms, serjeant at law, serjeanty, serkin, serlio, sermon, sermon on the mount, sermonette, sermonic, sermonize, sero-
Origin of Sermon
1150–1200; Middle English < Medieval Latin sermōn- (stem of sermō ) speech from pulpit, Latin: discourse, equivalent to ser- (base of serere to link up, organize) + -mōn- noun suffix
Other words from Sermon
ser·mon·less , adjective
Word origin for Sermon
C12: via Old French from Latin sermō discourse, probably from serere to join together
Synonyms for Sermon
advice, exhortation, homily, lecture, lesson, preaching, tirade, address, discourse, doctrine, harangue, moralism, pastoral, preachment, preach