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Showing words for SETBACK using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Setback
6 Letter Words for Setback
5 Letter Words for Setback
4 Letter Words for Setback
3 Letter Words for Setback
Definitions for Setback
[1] a check to progress; a reverse or defeat: The new law was a setback.
[2] Architecture . a recession of the upper part of a building from the building line, as to lighten the structure or to permit a desired amount of light and air to reach ground level at the foot of the building.
[3] an act or instance of setting back: A nightly setback of your home thermostats can save a great deal of fuel.
[4] Also set-back. a downward temperature adjustment of a thermostat, especially performed automatically, as by a timer.
[5] Surveying . the interval by which a chain or tape exceeds the length being measured.
[6] setback(def 4) .
Words related to Setback
blow, misfortune, hindrance, slowdown, delay, difficulty, obstacle, impediment, reversal, defeat, trouble, comedown, reverse, bottom, about-face, upset, bath, regress, flip-flop, regression
Words nearby Setback
set-top box, set-up, seta, setaceous, setaria, setback, seth, seti, seti-, setiferous, setiform
Origin of Setback
-backspecial use of setback
Synonyms for Setback
blow, defeat, delay, difficulty, hindrance, impediment, misfortune, obstacle, reversal, slowdown, stumbling block, trouble, about-face, bath, bottom, check, comedown, flip-flop, hitch, rebuff, regress, regression, reverse, upset, backset, drawing board, hold-up, reversal of fortune, whole new ballgame