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Showing words for SHADY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Shady
4 Letter Words for Shady
3 Letter Words for Shady
Definitions for Shady
[1] abounding in shade; shaded: shady paths.
[2] giving shade: a shady tree.
[3] shadowy; indistinct; spectral.
[4] of dubious character; rather disreputable: shady dealings.
[5] on the shady side of , Informal . beyond (the specified age); more than: on the shady side of 40.
[6] full of shade; shaded
[7] affording or casting a shade
[8] dim, quiet, or concealed
[9] informal dubious or questionable as to honesty or legality
Words related to Shady
shadowy, shaded, leafy, cloudy, questionable, underhanded, unscrupulous, crooked, dishonest, dubious, slippery, cool, dim, dusky, indistinct, sheltered, vague, screened, umbrageous, adumbral
Words nearby Shady
shadowland, shadowy, shadrach, shaduf, shadwell, shady, shaef, shaffer, shafiʿi, shaft, shaft alley
Origin of Shady
First recorded in 1570–80; shade + -y1
Other words from Shady
shad·i·ly , adverb
shad·i·ness , noun
un·shad·i·ly , adverb
un·shad·i·ness , noun
un·shad·y , adjective
Synonyms for Shady
cloudy, leafy, shaded, shadowy, adumbral, bosky, chiaroscuro, cool, dim, dusky, indistinct, out of the sun, screened, shadowed, sheltered, umbrageous, umbrous, under a cloud, vague