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Showing words for SHAKY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Shaky
4 Letter Words for Shaky
3 Letter Words for Shaky
Definitions for Shaky
[1] tending to shake or tremble.
[2] trembling; tremulous.
[3] liable to break down or give way; insecure; not to be depended upon: a shaky bridge.
[4] wavering, as in allegiance: His loyalty, always shaky, was now nonexistent.
[5] tending to shake or tremble
[6] liable to prove defective; unreliable
[7] uncertain or questionable your arguments are very shaky
Words related to Shaky
rocky, nervous, insecure, weak, precarious, unstable, wobbly, unsettled, jittery, rickety, unsteady, questionable, unclear, uncertain, dubious, infirm, jerry-built, rattletrap, shaking, tremulous
Words nearby Shaky
shakspere, shakta, shakti, shaktism, shakuntala, shaky, shakyamuni, shalach manoth, shale, shale oil, shall
Origin of Shaky
First recorded in 1695–1705; shake + -y1
Other words from Shaky
shak·i·ly , adverb
shak·i·ness , noun
Synonyms for Shaky
insecure, jittery, nervous, precarious, rickety, rocky, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, weak, wobbly, all aquiver, aquake, aquiver, ashake, faltering, fluctuant, infirm, jellylike, jerry-built, not set, quaking, quivery, rattletrap, rootless, shaking, tottering, tottery, tremorous, tremulous, tumbledown, unfirm, unsound, unsure, vacillating, wavering, yielding