11 Letter Words for Shallowness
10 Letter Words for Shallowness
9 Letter Words for Shallowness
shawlless, shoalness
8 Letter Words for Shallowness
assholes, enhallow, lashless, lashness, shallons, shallows, showless, slowness, snowless
7 Letter Words for Shallowness
allness, ashless, asshole, awnless, enhalos, enshawl, enwalls, halloes, hallows, hassels, hassles, lawless, lawsone, leasows, lessons, loessal, lowness, sallows, seasons, shallon, shallow, slashes, sloshes, snashes, sonless, swashes, swollen, weasons
6 Letter Words for Shallowness
allons, allose, allows, anoles, aslosh, aswell, awless, elsass, enhalo, enwall, hallow, halons, halsen, halses, hanses, haoles, hassel, hassle, hawses, hellos, hollas, hosels, hosses, lanose, lanseh, lashes, lasses, lassos, leasow, lesson, llanos, losels, loshes, losses, lowans, lownes, lowses, naoses, noshes, nossel, nowels, onless, osella, sallow, salols, salons, salses, sashes, season, selahs, sellas, sensal, sewans, shales, shawls, sheals, shells, sheols, shoals, sholas, slanes, sloans, snawle, snells, solahs, solans, soleas, solens, sonses, sossle, sowans, sowens, sowles, sownes, sowses, sowsse, swales, swallo, sweals, swells, swones, washen, washes, weason, whales, whasle, wheals, whenas, whenso, wholes, whosen
5 Letter Words for Shallowness
alews, allen, allow, aloes, alone, alose, alowe, anole, ashen, ashes, asses, elans, ellan, ellas, enols, enows, hales, halls, halon, halos, halse, halwe, hanse, haole, hawse, heals, helas, hello, hells, helos, holes, holla, hones, hosea, hosel, hosen, hoses, howel, howes, howls, lanes, lases, lasso, lawns, leans, leash, lenos, lessn, llano, loans, loess, lohan, lonas, losel, losen, loses, lowan, lowes, lowne, lowns, lowse, nawle, neals, noels, nohes, noles, nolle, nolls, noses, nowel, nowls, oases, olena, ollas, osela, oshea, ossal, ossea, owsen, sales, salle, salol, salon, salse, sanes, saone, sasse, seals, seans, selah, sella, sells, senal, senas, sensa, senso, sessa, sewan, shale, shall, shans, shawl, shawn, shaws, sheal, sheas, shela, shell, sheol, shewa, shewn, shews, shoal, shoes, shola, shole, shone, shown, shows, slaes, slane, slash, slaws, slews, sloan, sloes, slone, slosh, slows, snash, snaws, snell, snowl, snows, solah, solan, solas, solea, solen, soles, sones, sonse, sowan, sowel, sowle, sowls, sowne, sowse, swale, swans, swash, sweal, swell, swoln, swone, swosh, wales, walls, walsh, wanes, wanle, wasel, wases, weals, weans, wells, welsh, whale, whase, wheal, whens, whoas, whole, wholl, whone, whose, whsle
4 Letter Words for Shallowness
alen, ales, alew, allo, alls, aloe, alow, also, anes, anew, anow, asse, assn, awes, awls, awns, eans, elan, ells, enol, enow, eoan, eons, haen, haes, hale, hall, halo, hals, hans, hasn, haws, heal, hela, hell, helo, hens, hews, hoas, hoes, hola, hole, holl, hols, holw, hone, hons, hose, hoss, howe, howl, hows, hwan, laen, lahs, lalo, lane, laos, lase, lash, lass, lawn, laws, leal, lean, leas, lena, leno, lens, leon, leos, less, loan, lone, lose, losh, loss, lowa, lowe, lown, lows, nael, nale, naos, nash, naso, neal, nesh, ness, news, noah, noel, noes, nole, noll, nose, nosh, nowl, nows, olea, oles, olla, ones, oses, osha, ossa, osse, owes, owls, owns, owse, sale, sall, sals, sane, sans, sash, sass, saws, seah, seal, sean, seas, sell, sels, sena, sens, sess, sewn, sews, shan, shaw, shea, shes, shew, shoe, show, slaw, slew, sloe, slon, slow, snaw, snew, snow, sola, sole, soln, sols, sone, sons, sosh, soss, sowl, sown, sows, swan, waes, wale, wall, wane, wans, wase, wash, wasn, weal, wean, well, wels, wens, whan, when, whoa, whse, woan, woes, wone, wons
3 Letter Words for Shallowness
aes, aho, ahs, ale, all, aln, alo, als, alw, ane, ans, ase, ash, asl, ass, awe, awl, awn, aws, ean, eas, ehs, ela, ell, els, enl, ens, eon, eos, ess, hae, han, hao, has, haw, hel, hen, heo, hes, hew, hoa, hoe, hol, hon, hos, how, lah, lan, lao, las, law, lea, leo, les, lew, loa, loe, los, low, lwl, nae, nah, nas, naw, nea, neo, new, noa, noh, nol, nos, now, oas, oes, ohs, ola, ole, ona, one, ons, ose, owe, owl, own, ows, sah, sal, san, sao, saw, sea, sel, sen, sew, sha, she, sho, sla, sle, sol, son, sow, sse, ssh, ssw, swa, wae, wah, wan, was, wen, wha, who, whs, woa, woe, won, wos
Definitions for Shallowness
[1] of little depth; not deep: shallow water.
[2] lacking depth; superficial: a mind that is not narrow but shallow.
[3] taking in a relatively small amount of air in each inhalation: shallow breathing.
[4] Baseball . relatively close to home plate: The shortstop caught the pop fly in shallow left field.
[5] Usually shallows. (used with a singular or plural verb ) a shallow part of a body of water; shoal.
[6] Baseball . at a shallow position: With the pitcher up, the outfielders played shallow.
[7] to make or become shallow.
[8] having little depth
[9] lacking intellectual or mental depth or subtlety; superficial
[10] (often plural) a shallow place in a body of water; shoal
[11] to make or become shallow
Words related to Shallowness
shallowsilliness, lunacy, apathy, ignorance, nonsense, idiocy, absurdity, blindness, oblivion, levity, disregard, illiteracy, bewilderment, insensitivity, simplicity, stupor, stolidity, fatuity, weakness, ineptitude
Words nearby Shallowness
shallowshall, shall i compare thee to a summer's day?, shalloon, shallop, shallot, shallow, shallow breathing, shalmaneser iii, shalom, shalom aleichem, shalosh seudoth
Origin of Shallowness
1350–1400; Middle English schalowe (adj.); akin to Old English sceald shallow (see shoal1)
Other words from Shallowness
shal·low·ly , adverb
shal·low·ness , noun
Word origin for Shallowness
C15: related to Old English sceald shallow; see shoal 1
Synonyms for Shallowness
absurdity, apathy, idiocy, ignorance, lunacy, nonsense, silliness, asininity, fatuity, fatuousness, imbecility, imprudence, incapacity, ineptitude, injudiciousness, insensibility, obtuseness, puerility, simplicity, slowness, sluggishness, stolidity, stupefaction, stupor, weakness, battiness, brainlessness, doltishness, feeble-mindedness, nitwittedness, stupidness, thick-headedness, weak-mindedness