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Showing words for SHAVEN using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Shaven
[1] a past participle of shave.
[2] closely trimmed.
[3] to remove a growth of beard with a razor.
[4] to remove hair from (the face, legs, etc.) by cutting it off close to the skin with a razor.
[5] to cut off (hair, especially the beard) close to the skin with a razor (often followed by off or away ).
[6] to cut or scrape away the surface of with a sharp-edged tool: to shave hides in preparing leather.
[7] to reduce to shavings or thin slices: to shave wood.
[8] to cut or trim closely: to shave a lawn.
[9] to scrape, graze, or come very near to: The car just shaved the garage door.
[10] Commerce . to purchase (a note) at a rate of discount greater than is legal or customary.
[11] to reduce or deduct from: The store shaved the price of winter suits in the spring.
[12] the act, process, or an instance of shaving or being shaved.
[13] a thin slice; a shaving.
[14] any of various tools for shaving, scraping, removing thin slices, etc.
[15] closely shaved or tonsured (in combination ) clean-shaven
[16] (also intr) to remove (the beard, hair, etc) from (the face, head, or body) by scraping the skin with a razor
[17] to cut or trim very closely
[18] to reduce to shavings
[19] to remove thin slices from (wood, etc) with a sharp cutting tool; plane or pare
[20] to touch or graze in passing
[21] informal to reduce (a price) by a slight amount
[22] US commerce to purchase (a commercial paper) at a greater rate of discount than is customary or legal
[23] the act or an instance of shaving
[24] any tool for scraping
[25] a thin slice or shaving
[26] an instance of barely touching something
[27] close shave informal a narrow escape
Words related to Shaven
trim, pare, kiss, shred, skim, brush, slash, shear, prune, cut, peel, clip, strip, decorticate, crop, graze, plane, barber, skin, touch
Words nearby Shaven
shaun, shavano peak, shave, shave biopsy, shaveling, shaven, shaver, shavetail, shavian, shaviana, shavie
Origin of Shaven
before 900; (v.) Middle English schaven, schafen, Old English sc(e)afan; cognate with Dutch schaven to plane (a plank), abrade (the skin), Low German schaven, German schaben, Old Norse skafa to scrape, Gothic skaban to shear, shave; (noun) Middle English schave tool for shaving, Old English sc(e)afa, derivative of the v.
Other words from Shaven
un·shav·en , adjective
shav·a·ble , shave·a·ble , adjective
re·shave , verb re·shaved, re·shav·ing.
un·shav·a·ble , adjective
un·shave·a·ble , adjective
un·shaved , adjective
well-shaved , adjective
Word origin for Shaven
Old English sceafan; related to Old Norse skafa, Gothic skaban to shave, Latin scabere to scrape
Synonyms for Shaven
brush, cut down, kiss, pare, prune, shear, shred, skim, slash, trim, barber, clip, crop, cut, decorticate, graze, peel, plane, shingle, skin, sliver, strip, touch, cut back, make bare, slice thin