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Showing words for SHIVERS using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Shivers

shivers, shrives

6 Letter Words for Shivers

hisser, hivers, rhesis, shevri, shiers, shires, shiver, shives, shrive, sivers

5 Letter Words for Shivers

heirs, hires, hirse, hiver, hives, ishes, rhies, rises, rives, seirs, shier, shies, shire, shirs, shive, shivs, shris, sires, siver, viers, vises

4 Letter Words for Shivers

eris, ersh, heir, hers, hevi, hies, hire, hiss, hive, ires, rehs, revs, ries, rise, rive, seir, seis, sers, serv, sher, shes, shir, shiv, shri, sier, sire, sirs, sise, sish, sris, veri, vers, vier, vies, vise, viss

3 Letter Words for Shivers

ehs, eir, ers, esr, ess, hei, her, hes, hie, hir, his, hiv, hrs, ihs, ire, irs, ise, ish, ive, reh, rei, res, rev, rhe, rie, riv, sei, ser, she, shi, shr, sie, sir, sis, sri, sse, ssh, vei, ver, vie, vis, vss

Definitions for Shivers

[1] to shake or tremble with cold, fear, excitement, etc.
[2] Nautical . (of a fore-and-aft sail) to shake when too close to the wind. (of a sailing vessel) to be headed so close to the wind that the sails shake.
[3] a tremulous motion; a tremble or quiver: The thought sent a shiver down her spine.
[4] shivers, an attack of shivering or chills (usually preceded by the ).
[5] to break or split into fragments.
[6] a fragment; splinter.
[7] to shake or tremble, as from cold or fear
[8] (of a sail) to luff; flap or shake (of a sailing vessel) to sail close enough to the wind to make the sails luff
[9] the act of shivering; a tremulous motion
[10] the shivers an attack of shivering, esp through fear or illness
[11] to break or cause to break into fragments
[12] a splintered piece

Words related to Shivers

hudder, quiver, flutter, vibrate, palpitate, twitter, quaver, freeze, quake, tremor, wave, dither, rive, smash, burst, fragment, splinter, crack, smatter, pash

Words nearby Shivers

hivah, shivah asar betammuz, shivaree, shive, shively, shiver, shivering owl, shivery, shivoo, shizuoka, shiʿah

Origin of Shivers

21150–1200; (noun) Middle English schivere fragment; cognate with German Schiefer schist; (v.) Middle English schiveren, derivative of the noun

Other words from Shivers

shiv·er·er , noun
shiv·er·ing·ly , adverb

Word origin for Shivers

C13: of Germanic origin; compare Old High German scivaro, Middle Dutch scheveren to shiver, Old Norse skīfa to split

Synonyms for Shivers

flutter, quiver, shudder, vibrate, dither, freeze, palpitate, quake, quaver, tremor, twitter, wave, be cold, have the quivers, have the shakes