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Showing words for SHOUT using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Shout
4 Letter Words for Shout
3 Letter Words for Shout
Definitions for Shout
[1] to call or cry out loudly and vigorously.
[2] to speak or laugh noisily or unrestrainedly.
[3] to utter or yell (something) loudly.
[4] Australian . to treat (another) to a drink, meal, amusement, or the like.
[5] a loud call or cry: He gave a shout for help.
[6] a sudden loud outburst, as of laughter.
[7] the act of calling or crying out loudly.
[8] a loud cry, esp to convey emotion or a command
[9] informal , British , Australian and NZ a round, esp of drinks one's turn to buy a round of drinks
[10] informal a greeting (to family, friends, etc) sent to a radio station for broadcasting
[11] informal an occasion on which the members of an emergency service are called out on duty
[12] to utter (something) in a loud cry; yell
[13] (intr) to make a loud noise
[14] (tr) Australian and NZ informal to treat (someone) to (something), esp a drink
Words related to Shout
roar, cry, screech, whoop, cheer, clamor, shriek, scream, howl, exclaim, holler, yell, hue, squawk, bellow, salvo, tumult, yap, bawl, yawp
Words nearby Shout
shoulder-hand syndrome, shouldn't, shouldna, shouldst, shouse, shout, shout down, shout from the rooftops, shout-out, shouting distance, shouting match
Origin of Shout
1300–50; Middle English shoute (noun), shouten (v.); compare Old Norse skūta to scold, chide, skūti, skūta a taunt; akin to shoot1
Other words from Shout
shout·er , noun
half-shout·ed , adjective
un·shout·ed , adjective
un·shout·ing , adjective
Word origin for Shout
C14: probably from Old Norse skūta taunt; related to Old Norse skjōta to shoot
Synonyms for Shout
cheer, clamor, cry, howl, roar, scream, screech, shriek, whoop, bark, bawl, bellow, call, hue, salvo, squall, squawk, tumult, vociferation, yammer, yap, yawp, yell