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Showing words for SHRINK using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Shrink
5 Letter Words for Shrink
4 Letter Words for Shrink
3 Letter Words for Shrink
Definitions for Shrink
[1] to draw back, as in retreat or avoidance: to shrink from danger; to shrink from contact.
[2] to contract or lessen in size, as from exposure to conditions of temperature or moisture: This cloth will not shrink if washed in lukewarm water.
[3] to become reduced in extent or compass.
[4] to cause to shrink or contract; reduce.
[5] Textiles . to cause (a fabric) to contract during finishing, thus preventing shrinkage, during laundering, of the garments made from it.
[6] an act or instance of shrinking.
[7] a shrinking movement.
[8] shrinkage.
[9] Also shrinker. Also called head shrinker. Slang . a psychotherapist, psychiatrist, or psychoanalyst.
[10] to contract or cause to contract as from wetness, heat, cold, etc
[11] to become or cause to become smaller in size
[12] (intr often foll by from ) to recoil or withdraw to shrink from the sight of blood to feel great reluctance (at) to shrink from killing an animal
[13] the act or an instance of shrinking
[14] slang a psychiatrist
Words related to Shrink
wane, dwindle, shorten, reduce, wither, decrease, lessen, diminish, narrow, shrivel, weaken, recede, retreat, wrinkle, compress, condense, deflate, concentrate, contract, fail
Words nearby Shrink
shrimp plant, shrimper, shrimpfish, shrine, shriner, shrink, shrink fit, shrink-wrap, shrinkage, shrinker, shrinking violet
Origin of Shrink
before 900; 1955–60 for def 9 ; Middle English schrinken, Old English scrincan; cognate with Middle Dutch schrinken, Swedish skrynka to shrink, Norwegian skrukka old shrunken woman
Other words from Shrink
shrink·a·ble , adjective
shrink·ing·ly , adverb
non·shrink·a·ble , adjective
non·shrink·ing , adjective
non·shrink·ing·ly , adverb
o·ver·shrink , verb, o·ver·shrank or, often, o·ver·shrunk; o·ver·shrunk or o·ver·shrunk·en; o·ver·shrink·ing.
un·shrink·a·ble , adjective
un·shrink·ing , adjective
un·shrink·ing·ly , adverb
Word origin for Shrink
Old English scrincan; related to Old Norse skrokkr torso, Old Swedish skrunkin wrinkled, Old Norse hrukka a crease, Icelandic skrukka wrinkled woman
Synonyms for Shrink
decrease, diminish, drop off, dwindle, fall off, lessen, narrow, reduce, shorten, shrivel, wane, weaken, wither, compress, concentrate, condense, constrict, contract, deflate, fail, waste, wrinkle, fall short, grow smaller, waste away