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Showing words for SHUNNED using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Shunned
6 Letter Words for Shunned
5 Letter Words for Shunned
4 Letter Words for Shunned
3 Letter Words for Shunned
Definitions for Shunned
[1] to keep away from (a place, person, object, etc.), from motives of dislike, caution, etc.; take pains to avoid.
[2] (tr) to avoid deliberately; keep away from
Words related to Shunned
shundespise, disdain, eschew, refuse, snub, reject, scorn, neglect, dodge, shy, cut, decline, shake, double, escape, bilk, evade, elude, stall, duck
Words nearby Shunned
shunshulhan arukh, shull, shultz, shulwar, shumen, shun, shunpike, shunt, shunt-wound, shunter, shunting engine
Origin of Shunned
before 950; Middle English shunen, Old English scunian to avoid, fear
Other words from Shunned
shun·na·ble , adjective
shun·ner , noun
un·shun·na·ble , adjective
un·shunned , adjective
Word origin for Shunned
Old English scunian, of obscure origin
Synonyms for Shunned
despise, disdain, eschew, neglect, pass up, refuse, reject, scorn, snub, bilk, cold-shoulder, cut, decline, ditch, dodge, double, duck, elude, escape, evade, shake, shy, stall, get around, give a wide berth, give the runaround, have no part of, have nothing to do with, hide out, keep away from, keep clear of, palm off, shake off, stand aloof from, stay shy of, steer clear of, turn back on