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Showing words for SIC using the English dictionary

3 Letter Words for Sic

cis, csi, sci, sic

Definitions for Sic

[1] to attack (used especially in commanding a dog): Sic 'em!
[2] to incite to attack (usually followed by on ).
[3] such.
[4] so; thus: usually written parenthetically to denote that a word, phrase, passage, etc., that may appear strange or incorrect has been written intentionally or has been quoted verbatim: He signed his name as e. e. cummings (sic).
[5] Standard Industrial Classification: a system used by the federal government to classify business activities for analytical and reporting purposes.
[6] Sicilian.
[7] Sicily.
[8] (of the duration of the binding force treaty) for as long as the relevant facts and circumstances remain basically the same.
[9] so throughout: used especially as a footnote to indicate that a word, phrase, or idea recurs throughout the book being cited.
[10] thus always to tyrants: motto of Virginia.
[11] thus passes away the glory of this world.
[12] so or thus: inserted in brackets in a written or printed text to indicate that an odd or questionable reading is what was actually written or printed
[13] to turn on or attack: used only in commands, as to a dog
[14] to urge (a dog) to attack
[15] a Scot word for such
[16] a phrase used in printed works to indicate that a word, spelling, etc, occurs in the same form throughout
[17] thus passes the glory of the world

Words related to Sic

precisely, plainly, actually, completely, simply, directly, truly, really, then, very, well, thus, quite, too, indeed, apparently, therefore, prompt, propel, motivate

Words nearby Sic

sibuyan sea, sibyl, sibylla, sibylline, sibylline books, sic, sic passim, sic semper tyrannis, sic transit gloria mundi, sic., sica

Origin of Sic

rebus sic stantibusFirst recorded in 1840–50, rebus sic stantibus is from the Latin word rēbus sīc stantibus with things remaining thus

Words that may be confused with Sic

sic, sick

Word origin for Sic

passimliterally: thus everywhere

Synonyms for Sic

accurately, direct, directly, literally, literatim, precisely, to the letter, word-for-word