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Showing words for SIGHS using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Sighs
4 Letter Words for Sighs
3 Letter Words for Sighs
Definitions for Sighs
[1] to let out one's breath audibly, as from sorrow, weariness, or relief.
[2] to yearn or long; pine.
[3] to make a sound suggesting a sigh: sighing wind.
[4] to express or utter with a sigh.
[5] to lament with sighing.
[6] the act or sound of sighing.
[7] (intr) to draw in and exhale audibly a deep breath as an expression of weariness, despair, relief, etc
[8] (intr) to make a sound resembling this trees sighing in the wind
[9] (intr often foll by for ) to yearn, long, or pine
[10] (tr) to utter or express with sighing
[11] the act or sound of sighing
Words related to Sighs
sighmoan, sob, groan, whisper, cry, whistle, murmur, gasp, exhale, howl, blow, sough, pant, roar, grieve, sorrow, lament, whine, respire, wheeze
Words nearby Sighs
ig., siganid, sigatoka, siggeir, siggo, sigh, sighful, sight, sight bill, sight draft, sight for sore eyes, a
Origin of Sighs
1250–1300; (v.) Middle English sighen, back formation from sihte sighed, past tense of Middle English siken, sichen, Old English sīcan to sigh; (noun) Middle English, derivative of the v.
Words that may be confused with Sighs
ide, sighed, sighs, size, (see, synonym, study, at, size1)
Other words from Sighs
sigh·er , noun
out·sigh , verb (used with object)
un·sigh·ing , adjective
Word origin for Sighs
Old English sīcan, of obscure origin
Synonyms for Sighs
cry, exhale, gasp, groan, howl, moan, murmur, sob, whisper, whistle, blow, complain, grieve, lament, pant, respire, roar, sorrow, sough, suspire, wheeze, whine