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Showing words for SINISTER using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Sinister
7 Letter Words for Sinister
6 Letter Words for Sinister
5 Letter Words for Sinister
4 Letter Words for Sinister
3 Letter Words for Sinister
Definitions for Sinister
[1] threatening or portending evil, harm, or trouble; ominous: a sinister remark.
[2] bad, evil, base, or wicked; fell: his sinister purposes.
[3] unfortunate; disastrous; unfavorable: a sinister accident.
[4] of or on the left side; left.
[5] Heraldry . noting the side of an escutcheon or achievement of arms that is to the left of the bearer (opposed to dexter).
[6] threatening or suggesting evil or harm; ominous a sinister glance
[7] evil or treacherous, esp in a mysterious way
[8] (usually postpositive) heraldry of, on, or starting from the left side from the bearer's point of view and therefore on the spectator's right
[9] archaic located on the left side
[10] archaic (of signs, omens, etc) unfavourable
Words related to Sinister
perverse, threatening, evil, mischievous, dire, ominous, malevolent, adverse, apocalyptic, bad, baleful, baneful, corrupt, deleterious, disastrous, dishonest, disquieting, foreboding, harmful, hurtful
Words nearby Sinister
sinicism, sinicize, sinify, sinigrin, sining, sinister, sinistrad, sinistral, sinistrality, sinistration, sinistro-
Origin of Sinister
1375–1425; late Middle English < Latin: on the left hand or side, hence unfavorable, injurious
Other words from Sinister
sin·is·ter·ly , adverb
sin·is·ter·ness , noun
un·sin·is·ter , adjective
un·sin·is·ter·ly , adverb
un·sin·is·ter·ness , noun
Word origin for Sinister
C15: from Latin sinister on the left-hand side, considered by Roman augurs to be the unlucky one
Synonyms for Sinister
dire, evil, malevolent, mischievous, ominous, perverse, threatening, adverse, apocalyptic, bad, baleful, baneful, blackhearted, corrupt, deleterious, disastrous, dishonest, disquieting, doomful, foreboding, harmful, hurtful, ill-boding, inauspicious, injurious, lowering, malefic, malign, malignant, obnoxious, pernicious, poisonous, portentous, unfavorable, unfortunate, unlucky, unpropitious, woeful