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Showing words for SKIPPER using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Skipper
6 Letter Words for Skipper
5 Letter Words for Skipper
4 Letter Words for Skipper
3 Letter Words for Skipper
Definitions for Skipper
[1] the master or captain of a vessel, especially of a small trading or fishing vessel.
[2] a captain or leader, as of a team.
[3] to act as skipper of.
[4] a person or thing that skips.
[5] any of various insects that hop or fly with jerky motions.
[6] any of numerous quick-flying, lepidopterous insects of the family Hesperiidae, closely related to the true butterflies.
[7] saury(def 1) .
[8] the captain of any vessel
[9] the captain of an aircraft
[10] a manager or leader, as of a sporting team
[11] to act as skipper (of)
[12] a person or thing that skips
[13] any small butterfly of the family Hesperiidae, having a hairy mothlike body and erratic darting flight
[14] another name for saury
Words related to Skipper
captain, coach, master, officer, commander
Words nearby Skipper
skip-tooth saw, skipdent, skipjack, skiplane, skippable, skipper, skippering, skippet, skipping, skipping-rope, skipton
Origin of Skipper
21200–50; Middle English: locust. See skip1, -er1
Word origin for Skipper
C14: from Middle Low German, Middle Dutch schipper shipper