9 Letter Words for Slaughter
laughters, lethargus, slaughter
8 Letter Words for Slaughter
gaulters, gestural, haulster, laughers, laughter, tragules
7 Letter Words for Slaughter
arustle, estrual, galerus, galuths, gathers, gaulter, gauster, gestura, gurlets, haglets, halters, harslet, hastler, haulers, hulster, hurtles, hustler, largest, lathers, laugher, legatus, saluter, saulter, shaglet, slather, sluther, tegular, thalers, thesaur, tragule, tughras
6 Letter Words for Slaughter
aglets, agrest, alerts, alters, alture, alures, arghel, argles, argues, argute, artels, arthel, ashler, atreus, augers, aughts, auster, earths, estral, ethals, galuth, galuts, gareth, garths, gasher, gaster, gaters, gather, gaulsh, gaults, gerahs, geulah, ghauts, glares, glaurs, gluers, glutes, graste, grates, greats, gruels, gulash, gurlet, gusher, gushet, guslar, gutser, haglet, halers, haleru, halest, halser, halter, haslet, haster, haters, hauler, haulse, haulst, hearst, hearts, heraus, huerta, hugest, hulsea, hurtle, hustle, lagers, larges, larget, lasher, laster, lather, lathes, laughs, lauter, lehuas, lugers, lusher, luster, lustra, luters, luther, raglet, ragule, rastle, ratels, raught, reatus, regals, regula, regush, rehaul, relast, resalt, resgat, reshut, result, retags, rugate, rustle, salter, salute, sauger, saught, saulge, saurel, sauter, sealgh, setula, shelta, shuler, slarth, slater, sleuth, stager, staler, stelar, strage, suther, sutler, talers, targes, tarsel, teguas, tegula, tergal, teruah, thaler, thurle, thurls, thurse, tragus, tuareg, tugela, tughra, tugras, tulare, tusher, ulster, ultras, urates, uretal, usager
5 Letter Words for Slaughter
agers, aglet, aglus, agues, agush, agust, alert, aleut, alhet, alter, altus, alure, arest, arets, argel, argle, argue, argus, arles, arsle, artel, artus, asher, ashet, ashur, astel, aster, astre, athel, atule, auger, auget, aught, aures, autre, earls, earsh, earst, earth, ergal, ethal, eughs, gaels, gales, galet, galut, gareh, garle, garse, garth, gater, gates, gaths, gauls, gault, gaure, gaurs, geals, gears, geast, geats, gerah, getah, getas, ghast, ghats, ghaut, ghest, glare, glaur, gluer, glues, glute, gluts, grate, great, greta, gruel, grues, grush, gteau, guars, guest, gular, gulas, gules, gurle, gurls, gursh, gurts, guser, gusla, gusle, hague, haler, hales, halse, halte, halts, hares, harle, harls, harst, harts, haste, hatel, hater, hates, hauls, hault, hause, haust, haute, heals, hears, heart, heast, heats, helas, herls, huers, huger, hulas, hules, hurls, hurst, hurts, hutre, lager, lares, large, larus, laser, later, lathe, laths, latus, laugh, laure, lears, leash, least, leath, leats, legua, lehrs, lehua, leugh, luger, luges, lures, luser, lutea, luter, lutes, lutra, rages, rales, ratel, rates, rathe, raths, ratus, reals, reast, regal, resat, retag, retal, rheas, rugae, rugal, rules, ruths, sager, salet, salue, sarge, saugh, sault, saute, segar, selah, selar, seral, serau, sergt, serta, serut, setal, seugh, shale, shalt, share, shaul, sheal, shear, sheat, shela, shrag, shrug, shule, shura, shure, shute, slare, slart, slate, slath, sluer, stage, stale, stare, steal, stear, stegh, stela, strae, strag, strue, sture, sugar, sugat, sulea, surah, sural, surat, surge, sutra, tagel, tagus, tahrs, taler, tales, talus, tares, targe, tarse, taser, teals, tears, tegua, tegus, tehrs, telar, teras, terga, tesla, teugh, thars, thrae, thugs, thule, thulr, thurl, trash, treas, trues, trugs, trush, tsuga, tugra, tules, tulsa, turse, ultra, urals, urase, urate, ureal, ureas, urges, ursae, ursal, usage, usher, uster, uther
4 Letter Words for Slaughter
ager, ages, aget, aglu, agst, ague, ales, alts, areg, ares, aret, argh, arle, arte, arts, astr, ates, atle, auge, augh, aute, auth, earl, ears, east, eath, eats, eaus, egal, elts, eral, eras, erat, ergs, ersh, erst, erth, esau, etas, eths, etua, eugh, gael, gaes, gaet, gale, gals, galt, gare, gars, gart, gash, gast, gate, gath, gats, gaul, gaur, gaus, gaut, geal, gear, geat, gels, gers, gest, geta, gets, ghat, glar, glue, glut, gras, grat, gret, grue, grus, guar, gues, guhr, gula, gule, guls, gult, gurl, gurs, gurt, gush, gust, guts, haes, hags, hale, hals, halt, hare, harl, hart, hast, hate, hats, haul, haut, heal, hear, heat, hela, hera, herl, hers, hert, hest, hets, htel, huer, hues, huge, hugs, hula, hule, hura, hurl, hurt, huse, hust, huts, laer, laet, lags, lahs, lahu, lare, lars, lase, lash, last, late, lath, lats, laur, laus, lear, leas, leat, legs, lehr, lest, lets, lgth, lues, luge, lugs, lura, lure, lurg, lurs, lush, lust, lute, rage, rags, rahs, rahu, rale, rals, rash, rast, rate, rath, rats, ratu, real, regs, regt, rehs, rest, rets, rhea, rhet, rhus, rues, ruga, rugs, rule, rusa, ruse, rush, rust, ruta, ruth, ruts, sage, sale, salt, sare, sart, sate, saul, saur, saut, seah, seal, sear, seat, selt, serg, sert, seta, seth, shag, shea, sher, shet, shtg, shua, shug, shul, shut, slag, slat, slue, slug, slur, slut, stag, star, steg, ster, stge, stlg, stra, stre, stue, stug, suer, suet, sugh, sula, sura, sure, surg, tael, tags, tahr, tale, tare, tars, tash, tasu, taur, taus, teal, tear, teas, tega, tegs, tegu, tehr, tela, tels, tera, thae, thar, thea, thru, thug, thus, trag, trah, tres, true, trug, tues, tugs, tula, tule, tush, ughs, ules, ulta, ural, urea, ures, urge, ursa, urth, usar, user, utah, utas, utes
3 Letter Words for Slaughter
aer, aes, age, agr, ags, agt, ahs, ahu, ale, alg, als, alt, are, arg, ars, art, aru, ase, asg, ash, asl, ast, ate, aug, auh, aul, ear, eas, eat, eau, ehs, ela, els, elt, era, erg, ers, ert, esr, est, esu, eta, eth, gal, gar, gas, gat, gau, gel, ger, get, glt, gra, grs, gte, gue, gul, gur, gus, gut, hae, hag, has, hat, hau, hel, her, hes, het, hgt, hrs, hts, hue, hug, hut, lag, lah, lar, las, lat, lea, leg, ler, les, let, leu, lst, ltr, lue, lug, lur, lut, rag, rah, ras, rat, rea, reg, reh, rel, res, rha, rhe, rle, rte, rue, rug, rut, sag, sah, sal, sar, sat, sau, sea, seg, sel, ser, set, sha, she, shr, sht, sla, sle, slt, sta, stg, str, sue, sur, tag, tal, tar, tas, tau, tea, teg, tel, ter, tes, tha, the, tlr, tra, trs, tsh, tua, tue, tug, tur, ugh, ugs, ugt, uhs, ula, ule, ult, ura, ure, urs, usa, use, ush, ust, uta, ute, uts
Definitions for Slaughter
[1] the killing or butchering of cattle, sheep, etc., especially for food.
[2] the brutal or violent killing of a person.
[3] the killing of great numbers of people or animals indiscriminately; carnage: the slaughter of war.
[4] to kill or butcher (animals), especially for food.
[5] to kill in a brutal or violent manner.
[6] to slay in great numbers; massacre.
[7] Informal . to defeat thoroughly; trounce: They slaughtered our team.
[8] Frank, 1908–2001, U.S. novelist and physician.
[9] the killing of animals, esp for food
[10] the savage killing of a person
[11] the indiscriminate or brutal killing of large numbers of people, as in war; massacre
[12] informal a resounding defeat
[13] to kill (animals), esp for food
[14] to kill in a brutal manner
[15] to kill indiscriminately or in large numbers
[16] informal to defeat resoundingly
Words related to Slaughter
murder, liquidation, massacre, extermination, annihilation, bloodbath, destruction, butchery, carnage, bloodshed, torture, slay, liquidate, rout, butcher, crush, decimate, maim, destroy, mutilate
Words nearby Slaughter
slatkin, slattern, slatternly, slatting, slaty, slaughter, slaughterhouse, slaughterman, slaughterous, slav, slav.
Origin of Slaughter
1250–1300; Middle English slaghter, slahter, slauther (noun) < Old Norse slātr, earlier slāttr, slahtr
Other words from Slaughter
slaugh·ter·er , noun
slaugh·ter·ing·ly , adverb
un·slaugh·tered , adjective
Word origin for Slaughter
Old English sleaht; related to Old Norse slāttar hammering, slātr butchered meat, Old High German slahta, Gothic slauhts, German Schlacht battle
Synonyms for Slaughter
annihilation, bloodbath, bloodshed, butchery, carnage, destruction, extermination, liquidation, massacre, murder, slaying