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Showing words for SLAY using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Slay
3 Letter Words for Slay
Definitions for Slay
[1] to kill by violence.
[2] to destroy; extinguish.
[3] sley.
[4] Slang . to impress strongly; overwhelm, especially by humor: Your jokes slay me. to make a strong impression with: She really slayed her performance last night.
[5] Obsolete . to strike.
[6] to kill or murder.
[7] Slang . to strongly impress or overwhelm someone: His whole album slays.
[8] sley.
[9] the reed of a loom.
[10] the warp count in woven fabrics.
[11] British . the lay of a loom.
[12] to draw (warp ends) through the heddle eyes of the harness or through the dents of the reed in accordance with a given plan for weaving a fabric.
[13] archaic , or literary to kill, esp violently
[14] slang to impress (someone) sexually
[15] obsolete to strike
Words related to Slay
execute, murder, exterminate, massacre, slaughter, dispatch, butcher, destroy, assassinate, do, finish, hit, annihilate, neutralize, liquidate, down, erase, eliminate, waste, snuff
Words nearby Slay
slavonic, slavophile, slavophobe, slavyansk, slaw, slay, slayton, slbm, slcm, sld, sld.
Origin of Slay
eybefore 1050; Middle English sleye, Old English slege weaver's reed; akin to Dutch slag, German Schlag, Old Norse slag, Gothic slahs a blow; see slay
Other words from Slay
slay·a·ble , adjective
slay·er , noun
un·slay·a·ble , adjective
Word origin for Slay
Old English slēan; related to Old Norse slā, Gothic, Old High German slahan to strike, Old Irish slacaim I beat
Synonyms for Slay
assassinate, butcher, destroy, dispatch, execute, exterminate, massacre, murder, slaughter, annihilate, do, down, eliminate, erase, finish, hit, liquidate, neutralize, snuff, waste, cut off, do away with, do in, knock off, put away, rub out