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Showing words for SLIPPING using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Slipping
[1] to move, flow, pass, or go smoothly or easily; glide; slide: Water slips off a smooth surface.
[2] to slide suddenly or involuntarily; to lose one's foothold, as on a smooth surface: She slipped on the icy ground.
[3] to move, slide, or start gradually from a place or position: His hat had slipped over his eyes.
[4] to slide out of or become disengaged from a fastening, the grasp, etc.: The soap slipped from my hand.
[5] to pass without having been acted upon or used; be lost; get away: to let an opportunity slip.
[6] to pass from the mind, memory, or consciousness.
[7] to elapse or pass quickly or imperceptibly (often followed by away or by ): The years slipped by.
[8] to become involved or absorbed easily: to slip into a new way of life.
[9] to move or go quietly, cautiously, or unobtrusively: to slip out of a room.
[10] to put on or take off a garment easily or quickly: She slipped on the new sweater. He slipped off his shoes.
[11] to make a mistake or error: As far as I know, you haven't slipped once.
[12] to fall below a standard or accustomed level, or to decrease in quantity or quality; decline; deteriorate: His work slipped last year.
[13] to be said or revealed inadvertently (usually followed by out ): The words just slipped out.
[14] to read, study, consider, etc., without attention: He slipped over the most important part.
[15] Aeronautics . (of an aircraft when excessively banked) to slide sideways, toward the center of the curve described in turning. Compare skid(def 15) .
[16] to cause to move, pass, go, etc., with a smooth, easy, or sliding motion.
[17] to put, place, pass, insert, or withdraw quickly or stealthily: to slip a letter into a person's hand.
[18] to put on or take off (a garment) easily or quickly: He slipped the shirt over his head.
[19] to let or make (something) slide out of a fastening, the hold, etc.: I slipped the lock, and the door creaked open.
[20] to release from a leash, harness, etc., as a hound or a hawk.
[21] to get away or free oneself from; escape (a pursuer, restraint, leash, etc.): The cow slipped its halter.
[22] to untie or undo (a knot).
[23] Nautical . to let go entirely, as an anchor cable or an anchor.
[24] to pass from or escape (one's memory, attention, knowledge, etc.).
[25] to dislocate; put out of joint or position: I slipped a disk in my back.
[26] to shed or cast: The rattlesnake slipped its skin.
[27] to ignore, pass over, or omit, as in speaking or writing.
[28] to let pass unheeded; neglect or miss.
[29] Boxing . to evade or avoid (a blow) by moving or turning the body quickly: He slipped a right and countered with a hard left.
[30] (of animals) to bring forth (offspring) prematurely.
[31] British . to detach (a railway car) from a moving train as it passes through a station.
[32] an act or instance of slipping.
[33] a sudden losing of one's foothold, as on slippery ground.
[34] a mistake in judgment; blunder.
[35] a mistake or oversight, as in speaking or writing, especially a small one due to carelessness: a minor slip in addition; a slip of the tongue.
[36] an error in conduct; indiscretion.
[37] something easily slipped on or off.
[38] a decline or fall in quantity, quality, extent, etc., or from a standard or accustomed level: a slip in prices.
[39] Clothing . a woman's undergarment, sleeveless and usually having shoulder straps, extending from above the bust down to the hemline of the outer dress. an underskirt, as a half-slip or petticoat.
[40] a pillowcase.
[41] an inclined plane, sloping to the water, on which vessels are built or repaired.
[42] Nautical . the difference between the speed at which a screw propeller or paddle wheel would move if it were working against a solid and the actual speed at which it advances through the water.
[43] a space between two wharves or in a dock for vessels to lie in.
[44] Electricity . the difference between the synchronous and the operating speeds of a motor.
[45] Machinery . the difference between output speed and input or theoretical speed in certain fluid or electromagnetic devices, as couplings or motors. (in pumps) the difference between the actual volume of water or other liquid delivered by a pump during one complete stroke and the theoretical volume as determined by calculation of the displacement.
[46] unintended movement or play between mechanical parts or the like.
[47] Cricket . the position of a fielder who stands behind and to the offside of the wicketkeeper. the fielder playing this position.
[48] Geology . the relative displacement of formerly adjacent points on opposite sides of a fault, measured along the fault plane. a small fault.
[49] Also called glide. Metallurgy . plastic deformation of one part of a metallic crystal relative to the other part due to shearing action.
[50] slip away , to depart quietly or unobtrusively; steal off. to recede; slowly vanish: All those facts I had memorized just slipped away.
[51] slip up , to make an error; fail: I slipped up and put the letter in the wrong envelope.
[52] give someone the slip , to elude a pursuer; escape: The murderer gave the police the slip.
[53] let slip , to reveal unintentionally: to let slip the truth.
[54] slip a cog . cog1(def 6) .
[55] slip between the cracks . crack(def 53) .
[56] slip someone's mind , to be forgotten: I was supposed to phone, but it slipped my mind.
[57] slip something over on , to deceive; defraud; trick. Also slip one over on.
[58] a small paper form on which information is noted: a withdrawal slip.
[59] a piece suitable for propagation cut from a plant; scion or cutting.
[60] any long, narrow piece or strip, as of wood, paper, or land.
[61] a young person, especially one of slender form: a mere slip of a girl.
[62] a long seat or narrow pew in a church.
[63] Bookbinding . one of the ends of a band, extending at the sides of a book after sewing.
[64] to take slips or cuttings from (a plant).
[65] to take (a part), as a slip from a plant.
[66] Ceramics . a clay solution of creamy consistency for coating or decorating biscuit.
[67] a glass-bearing liquid fired onto steel as a cladding, as in making enamelware.
[68] slype.
[69] to move or cause to move smoothly and easily
[70] (tr) to place, insert, or convey quickly or stealthily
[71] (tr) to put on or take off easily or quickly to slip on a sweater
[72] (intr) to lose balance and slide unexpectedly he slipped on the ice
[73] to let loose or be let loose
[74] to be released from (something); escape
[75] (tr) to let go (mooring or anchor lines) over the side
[76] (when intr, often foll by from or out of ) to pass out of (the mind or memory)
[77] (tr) to overlook, neglect, or miss to slip an opportunity
[78] (intr) to move or pass swiftly or unperceived to slip quietly out of the room
[79] (intr sometimes foll by up ) to make a mistake
[80] Also: sideslip to cause (an aircraft) to slide sideways or (of an aircraft) to slide sideways
[81] (intr) to decline in health, mental ability, etc
[82] (intr) (of an intervertebral disc) to become displaced from the normal position
[83] (tr) to dislocate (a bone)
[84] (of animals) to give birth to (offspring) prematurely
[85] (tr) to pass (a stitch) from one needle to another without knitting it
[86] (tr) to operate (the clutch of a motor vehicle) so that it partially disengages (intr) (of the clutch of a motor vehicle) to fail to engage, esp as a result of wear
[87] let slip to allow to escape to say unintentionally
[88] slip one over on slang to hoodwink or trick
[89] the act or an instance of slipping
[90] a mistake or oversight a slip of the pen
[91] a moral lapse or failing
[92] a woman's sleeveless undergarment, worn as a lining for and to give support to a dress
[93] US and Canadian a narrow space between two piers in which vessels may dock
[94] See slipway
[95] a kind of dog lead that allows for the quick release of the dog
[96] a small block of hard steel of known thickness used for measurement, usually forming one of a set
[97] the ratio between output speed and input speed of a transmission device when subtracted from unity, esp of a drive belt or clutch that is not transmitting full power
[98] cricket the position of the fielder who stands a little way behind and to the offside of the wicketkeeper the fielder himself
[99] the relative movement of rocks along a fault plane
[100] a landslide, esp one blocking a road or railway line
[101] metallurgy crystallog the deformation of a metallic crystal caused when one part glides over another part along a plane
[102] the deviation of a propeller from its helical path through a fluid, expressed as the difference between its actual forward motion and its theoretical forward motion in one revolution
[103] another name for sideslip (def. 1)
[104] give someone the slip to elude or escape from someone
[105] a narrow piece; strip
[106] a small piece of paper a receipt slip
[107] a part of a plant that, when detached from the parent, will grow into a new plant; cutting; scion
[108] a young slender person a slip of a child
[109] dialect a young pig
[110] printing a long galley a less common name for a galley proof
[111] mainly US a pew or similar long narrow seat
[112] a small piece of abrasive material of tapering section used in honing
[113] (tr) to detach (portions of stem, etc) from (a plant) for propagation
[114] clay mixed with water to a creamy consistency, used for decorating or patching a ceramic piece
Words related to Slipping
sliplapse, blunder, misstep, mistake, sheet, drop, slither, shift, move, slide, skid, stumble, fluff, omission, indiscretion, fault, flub, imprudence, blooper, bungle
Words nearby Slipping
slipslink, slink away, slinky, slinter, sliotar, slip, slip a cog, slip carriage, slip casting, slip flow, slip form
Origin of Slipping
3before 1000; Middle English slyppe, Old English slype semiliquid mass; cf. slop1, cowslip, oxslip
Other words from Slipping
slip·less , adjective
slip·ping·ly , adverb
Word origin for Slipping
Old English slyppe slime; related to Norwegian slipa slime on fish; see slop 1
Synonyms for Slipping
drop, move, shift, skid, slide, slither, glissade, lurch, skate, slick, totter, trip, lose balance, lose footing, smooth along