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Showing words for SLIPSHOD using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Slipshod
6 Letter Words for Slipshod
5 Letter Words for Slipshod
4 Letter Words for Slipshod
3 Letter Words for Slipshod
Definitions for Slipshod
[1] careless, untidy, or slovenly: slipshod work.
[2] down-at-heel; seedy; shabby.
[3] Archaic . wearing slippers or loose shoes, especially ones worn at the heel.
[4] (of an action) negligent; careless
[5] (of a person's appearance) slovenly; down-at-heel
Words related to Slipshod
bedraggled, disheveled, faulty, fly-by-night, haphazard, imperfect, inaccurate, inexact, loose, messy, neglected, negligent, raunchy, scruffy, shabby, shoddy, slapdash, sloppy, slovenly, tacky
Words nearby Slipshod
slippery slope, slipping rib, slipping rib cartilage, slippy, slipsheet, slipshod, slipslop, slipsole, slipstick, slipstream, slipstreaming
Origin of Slipshod
First recorded in 1570–80; slip1 + shod
Other words from Slipshod
slip·shod·ness , slip·shod·di·ness , noun
Word origin for Slipshod
C16: from slip 1 + shod
Synonyms for Slipshod
bedraggled, botched, disheveled, faulty, fly-by-night, fouled-up, haphazard, imperfect, inaccurate, inexact, junky, loose, messed-up, messy, neglected, negligent, raunchy, screwed-up, scrubby, scruffy, shabby, shoddy, slapdash, sloppy, slovenly, tacky, tattered, threadbare, unkempt, unmeticulous, unsystematic, unthorough, untidy