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Showing words for SLOWING using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Slowing

lowings, lowsing, slowing, sowling

6 Letter Words for Slowing

logins, losing, lowing, lowsin, owling, soling, sowing, wilson, wongis

5 Letter Words for Slowing

glows, gowls, gowns, insol, isoln, lingo, lings, linos, lions, login, logis, loins, longs, lowns, noils, nosig, nowls, owing, sling, snowl, soign, swing, swoln, wings, winos, wongi

4 Letter Words for Slowing

gilo, gils, gins, gios, glis, glos, glow, gnow, gois, goli, gons, gowl, gown, ingo, ions, ligs, ling, lino, lins, lion, logs, loin, long, lown, lows, nils, niog, nogs, noil, nowl, nows, oils, owls, owns, sign, silo, sing, siol, sion, slog, slon, slow, snig, snog, snow, soil, soln, song, sowl, sown, swig, wigs, wing, wino, wins, wogs, wong, wons

3 Letter Words for Slowing

gin, gio, gis, gns, goi, gol, gon, gos, ign, ilo, ing, ins, ion, ios, isl, isn, iso, iwo, lig, lin, lis, log, los, low, nig, nil, nis, nog, nol, nos, now, oil, ois, oni, ons, osi, owl, own, ows, sig, sil, sin, sog, sol, son, sow, wig, win, wis, wog, won, wos

Definitions for Slowing

[1] moving or proceeding with little or less than usual speed or velocity: a slow train.
[2] characterized by lack of speed: a slow pace.
[3] taking or requiring a comparatively long time for completion: a slow meal; a slow trip.
[4] requiring or taking a long time for growing, changing, or occurring; gradual: a plant of slow growth.
[5] sluggish in nature, disposition, or function.
[6] dull of perception or understanding; mentally dull: a slow child.
[7] not prompt, readily disposed, or in haste (usually followed by to or an infinitive): slow to anger; slow to take offense.
[8] burning or heating with little speed or intensity, as a fire or an oven.
[9] slack; not busy: The market was slow today.
[10] having some quality that retards speed or causes movement, progress, work, etc., to be accomplished at less than the usual or expected rate of speed: a slow, careful worker; a slow road.
[11] running at less than the proper rate of speed or registering less than the proper time, as a clock.
[12] passing heavily or dragging, as time: It's been a slow afternoon.
[13] not progressive; behind the times: a slow town.
[14] dull, humdrum, uninteresting, or tedious: What a slow party!
[15] Photography . requiring long exposure, as by having a small lens diameter or low film sensitivity: a slow lens or film.
[16] (of the surface of a race track) sticky from a fairly recent rain and in the process of drying out.
[17] in a slow manner; slowly: Drive slow.
[18] to make slow or slower (often followed by up or down ).
[19] to retard; reduce the advancement or progress of: His illness slowed him at school.
[20] to become slow or slower; slacken in speed (often followed by up or down ).
[21] performed or occurring during a comparatively long interval of time
[22] lasting a comparatively long time a slow journey
[23] characterized by lack of speed a slow walker
[24] (prenominal) adapted to or productive of slow movement the slow lane of a motorway
[25] (of a clock, etc) indicating a time earlier than the correct time
[26] given to or characterized by a leisurely or lazy existence a slow town
[27] not readily responsive to stimulation; intellectually unreceptive a slow mind
[28] dull or uninteresting the play was very slow
[29] not easily aroused a slow temperament
[30] lacking promptness or immediacy a slow answer
[31] unwilling to perform an action or enter into a state slow to anger
[32] behind the times
[33] (of trade, etc) unproductive; slack
[34] (of a fire) burning weakly
[35] (of an oven) cool
[36] photog requiring a relatively long time of exposure to produce a given density a slow lens
[37] sport (of a track, etc) tending to reduce the speed of the ball or the competitors
[38] cricket (of a bowler, etc) delivering the ball slowly, usually with spin
[39] in a manner characterized by lack of speed; slowly
[40] (often foll by up or down ) to decrease or cause to decrease in speed, efficiency, etc

Words related to Slowing

slowheavy, gradual, quiet, lackadaisical, passive, stagnant, leisurely, easy, moderate, sluggish, lethargic, reluctant, tedious, stiff, tame, low, dull, time-consuming, simple, limited

Words nearby Slowing

slowslovakian, sloven, slovene, slovenia, slovenly, slow, slow burn, slow but steady wins the race, slow but sure, slow cooker, slow down

Origin of Slowing

before 900; Middle English; Old English slāw sluggish, dull; cognate with Dutch sleeuw; cf. sloth

Other words from Slowing

slow·ly , adverb
slow·ness , noun
o·ver·slow , adjective
o·ver·slow·ly , adverb
o·ver·slow·ness , noun
ul·tra·slow , adjective
ul·tra·slow·ly , adverb
un·slow , adjective
un·slow·ly , adverb
un·slow·ness , noun
un·slowed , adjective

Word origin for Slowing

Old English slāw sluggish; related to Old High German slēo dull, Old Norse slǣr, Dutch sleeuw slow

Synonyms for Slowing

abate, curb, curtail, decelerate, decrease, diminish, hinder, impede, lag, lessen, moderate, reduce, relax, retard, slacken, stall, temper, brake, check, choke, detain, handicap, loiter, mire, postpone, procrastinate, qualify, quiet, reef, regulate, stunt, anchor it, back-water, bog down, cut back, cut down, ease off, ease up, embog, hit the brakes, hold back, hold up, keep waiting, let down flaps, lose speed, lose steam, reduce speed, rein in, retardate, set back, wind down