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Showing words for SLUR using the English dictionary

4 Letter Words for Slur

lurs, slur

3 Letter Words for Slur

lur, sur, urs

Definitions for Slur

[1] to pass over lightly or without due mention or consideration (often followed by over ): The report slurred over her contribution to the enterprise.
[2] to pronounce (a syllable, word, etc.) indistinctly by combining, reducing, or omitting sounds, as in hurried or careless utterance.
[3] to cast aspersions on; calumniate; disparage; depreciate: The candidate was viciously slurred by his opponent.
[4] Music . to sing to a single syllable or play without a break (two or more tones of different pitch). to mark with a slur.
[5] Chiefly British Dialect . to smirch, sully, or stain.
[6] to read, speak, or sing hurriedly and carelessly.
[7] a slurred utterance or sound.
[8] a disparaging remark or a slight: quick to take offense at a slur; an ethnic slur against people of Irish descent.
[9] a blot or stain, as upon reputation: a slur on his good name.
[10] Music . the combination of two or more tones of different pitch, sung to a single syllable or played without a break. a curved mark indicating this.
[11] Printing . a spot that is blurred or unclear as a result of paper, plate, or blanket slippage.
[12] (often foll by over) to treat superficially, hastily, or without due deliberation; gloss
[13] (also intr) to pronounce or utter (words, etc) indistinctly
[14] to speak disparagingly of or cast aspersions on
[15] music to execute (a melodic interval of two or more notes) smoothly, as in legato performance
[16] (also intr) to blur or smear
[17] archaic to stain or smear; sully
[18] an indistinct sound or utterance
[19] a slighting remark; aspersion
[20] a stain or disgrace, as upon one's reputation; stigma
[21] music a performance or execution of a melodic interval of two or more notes in a part the curved line (⌢ or ⌣) indicating this
[22] a blur or smear

Words related to Slur

innuendo, accusation, put-down, smear, garble, mispronounce, animadversion, disgrace, dump, aspersion, slam, rap, stigma, obloquy, blot, stricture, discredit, blur, stain, insinuation

Words nearby Slur

slump test, slumpflation, slung, slung shot, slunk, slur, slurb, slurp, slurry, slurve, slush

Origin of Slur

1595–1605; apparently of multiple orig.; in senses referring to a gliding or smooth transition, compare Low German slurren to shuffle, Dutch sleuren to trail, drag; in senses referring to a smirch or stain, compare Middle Dutch slore (Dutch sloor ) sluttish woman

Other words from Slur

un·slurred , adjective

Word origin for Slur

C15: probably from Middle Low German; compare Middle Low German slūren to drag, trail, Middle Dutch sloren, Dutch sleuren

Synonyms for Slur

accusation, innuendo, put-down, smear, affront, animadversion, aspersion, blemish, blot, blur, brand, brickbat, calumny, discredit, disgrace, dump, expose, exposé, hit, insinuation, knock, obloquy, odium, onus, rap, reflection, reproach, slam, stain, stigma, stricture, zinger, bar sinister, black eye, dirty dig