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Showing words for SMELLY using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Smelly

mysell, smelly

5 Letter Words for Smelly

lymes, mells, mysel, selly, smell, yells, yelms, ylems

4 Letter Words for Smelly

ells, elms, elmy, emys, leys, lyes, lyme, lyms, lyse, mell, mels, myel, sell, sley, syll, yell, yelm, ylem

3 Letter Words for Smelly

ell, elm, els, ems, esm, eyl, lem, les, ley, llm, lye, lym, lys, mel, mes, mls, msl, mys, sel, sem, sey, sle, sly, sml, sye, syl, sym, yes

Definitions for Smelly

[1] emitting a strong or unpleasant odor; reeking.
[2] having a strong or nasty smell

Words related to Smelly

stinking, funky, rancid, fetid, foul, high, malodorous, mephitic, noisome, putrid, rank, strong, olid, reeking, whiffy

Words nearby Smelly

smell up, smeller, smellies, smelling bottle, smelling salts, smelly, smelt, smelter, smeltery, smetana, smethwick

Origin of Smelly

First recorded in 1860–65; smell + -y1

Words that may be confused with Smelly

malodorous, odious, odoriferous, odorous, smelly, stinky

Other words from Smelly

smell·i·ness , noun

Synonyms for Smelly

fetid, foul-smelling, funky, rancid, stinking, evil-smelling, foul, high, malodorous, mephitic, noisome, olid, putrid, rank, reeking, strong, strong-smelling, whiffy