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Showing words for SNARE using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Snare

anser, earns, nares, nears, rasen, reans, saner, snare

4 Letter Words for Snare

anes, anre, aren, ares, eans, earn, ears, eras, erns, nare, near, rane, rean, sane, sare, sean, sear, sena, snar

3 Letter Words for Snare

aer, aes, ane, ans, are, arn, ars, ase, ean, ear, eas, ens, era, ern, ers, esr, nae, nar, nas, nea, ran, ras, rea, res, rna, san, sar, sea, sen, ser

Definitions for Snare

[1] a device, often consisting of a noose, for capturing small game.
[2] anything serving to entrap or entangle unawares; trap.
[3] Surgery . a wire noose for removing tumors or the like by the roots or at the base.
[4] to catch with a snare; entangle.
[5] to catch or involve by trickery or wile: to snare her into going.
[6] one of the strings of gut or of tightly spiraled metal stretched across the skin of a snare drum.
[7] a device for trapping birds or small animals, esp a flexible loop that is drawn tight around the prey
[8] a surgical instrument for removing certain tumours, consisting of a wire loop that may be drawn tight around their base to sever or uproot them
[9] anything that traps or entangles someone or something unawares
[10] to catch (birds or small animals) with a snare
[11] to catch or trap in or as if in a snare; capture by trickery
[12] music a set of gut strings wound with wire fitted against the lower drumhead of a snare drum. They produce a rattling sound when the drum is beaten See snare drum

Words related to Snare

entangle, enmesh, corral, lure, wire, bait, temptation, decoy, trick, enticement, come-on, catch, noose, net, allurement, deception, pitfall, quicksand, entrapment, seduce

Words nearby Snare

snappy, snapshoot, snapshooter, snapshot, snaptin, snare, snare drum, snarf, snark, snarky, snarl

Origin of Snare

21680–90; < Middle Low German snare or Middle Dutch snaer string; replacing Old English snēr string of a musical instrument

Other words from Snare

snare·less , adjective
snar·er , noun
snar·ing·ly , adverb
un·snared , adjective

Word origin for Snare

C17: from Middle Dutch snaer or Middle Low German snare string; related to Gothic snōrjō basket

Synonyms for Snare

allurement, bait, catch, come-on, deception, decoy, enticement, entrapment, lure, net, noose, pitfall, quicksand, temptation, trick, wire, booby trap, inveiglement, seducement