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Showing words for SNEEZE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Sneeze
5 Letter Words for Sneeze
4 Letter Words for Sneeze
3 Letter Words for Sneeze
Definitions for Sneeze
[1] to emit air or breath suddenly, forcibly, and audibly through the nose and mouth by involuntary, spasmodic action.
[2] an act or sound of sneezing.
[3] sneeze at , Informal . to treat with contempt; scorn: $50,000 is nothing to sneeze at.
[4] (intr) to expel air and nasal secretions from the nose involuntarily, esp as the result of irritation of the nasal mucous membrane
[5] the act or sound of sneezing
Words related to Sneeze
Words nearby Sneeze
sneaky pete, sneck, sneer, sneery, sneesh, sneeze, sneeze at, sneezeguard, sneezeweed, sneezewood, sneezewort
Origin of Sneeze
1485–95; earlier snese; replacing Middle English fnese, Old English fnēosan; cognate with Dutch fniezen, Old Norse fnȳsa
Other words from Sneeze
sneeze·less , adjective
sneez·er , noun
sneez·y , adjective
Word origin for Sneeze
Old English fnēosan (unattested); related to Old Norse fnӯsa, Middle High German fnūsen, Greek pneuma breath