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Showing words for SNOTTY using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Snotty
5 Letter Words for Snotty
4 Letter Words for Snotty
3 Letter Words for Snotty
Definitions for Snotty
[1] Vulgar . of or relating to snot.
[2] Informal . snobbish; arrogant; supercilious: a snotty kid.
[3] dirty with nasal discharge
[4] slang contemptible; nasty
[5] snobbish; conceited
[6] a slang word for midshipman
Words related to Snotty
cheeky, cocky, conceited, fresh, haughty, impertinent, know-it-all, pompous, pretentious, sassy, self-important, smug, snippy, snooty, stuck-up, uppity, la-de-da, snobby
Words nearby Snotty
snorter, snot, snot-rag, snotnosed, snotter, snotty, snout, snout beetle, snout reflex, snow, snow apple
Origin of Snotty
First recorded in 1560–70; snot + -y1
Other words from Snotty
snot·ti·ly , adverb
snot·ti·ness , noun
Synonyms for Snotty
cheeky, cocky, conceited, fresh, haughty, high and mighty, highfalutin', impertinent, know-it-all, la-de-da, pompous, pretentious, puffed up, sassy, self-important, smart-alecky, smug, snippy, snobby, snooty, stuck-up, uppity