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Showing words for SOOTY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Sooty
sooty, toyos
4 Letter Words for Sooty
oosy, oots, soot, tosy, toyo, toys
3 Letter Words for Sooty
oos, oot, oto, oys, sot, soy, sty, too, tos, toy, yos, yot
Definitions for Sooty
[1] covered, blackened, or smirched with soot.
[2] consisting of or resembling soot.
[3] of a black, blackish, or dusky color.
[4] covered with soot
[5] resembling or consisting of soot
Words related to Sooty
black, dark, dingy, grimy, murky, smutty, fuliginous
Words nearby Sooty
soothfast, soothing, soothsay, soothsayer, soothsaying, sooty, sooty blotch, sooty grouse, sooty mold, sooty mould, sooty shearwater
Origin of Sooty
Middle English word dating back to 1200–50; see origin at soot, -y1
Other words from Sooty
soot·i·ly , adverb
soot·i·ness , noun
un·soot·y , adjective
Synonyms for Sooty
black, blackened, dark, dingy, fuliginous, grimy, murky, smutty, soot-covered