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Showing words for SOPORIFIC using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Soporific


8 Letter Words for Soporific


7 Letter Words for Soporific

corosif, scorpio

6 Letter Words for Soporific

frisco, isopor, picris, pooris, proofs, psoric, scipio, scroop, spiric

5 Letter Words for Soporific

cipro, cirio, coifs, coirs, coofs, coops, copis, corps, corso, crips, crisp, crois, crops, ficos, pisco, poofs, poori, poros, profs, proof, proos, proso, roofs, roops, scoop, scrip, scroo, siroc, sirop, socii, sopor, spiro, spoof, spoor

4 Letter Words for Soporific

cipo, coif, coir, coof, coop, coos, copr, cops, corf, corp, cors, crip, cris, crop, fico, firs, fisc, foos, fops, fris, fros, iocs, ipso, iris, oofs, oops, orcs, orfs, pico, pics, pirs, piso, poco, pois, poof, poor, poos, porc, prio, proc, prof, proo, pros, rifs, rips, risc, risp, rocs, roof, roop, roos, scop, siri, soco, soir, soop, sori, spic, spif, spor

3 Letter Words for Soporific

cfi, cfs, cif, cir, cis, coo, cop, cor, cos, cpi, cpo, cpr, cps, cro, crs, csi, csp, fcp, fcs, fip, fir, foo, fop, for, fps, fri, fro, frs, ifc, ifs, iof, ios, ipo, ipr, ips, irs, iso, ofo, oii, ois, oof, oop, oor, oos, ops, orc, orf, ors, osi, pcf, pci, pfc, pic, pir, pis, poi, poo, por, pos, prc, prf, pro, prs, psf, psi, rfs, rif, rio, rip, roc, roi, roo, ros, rps, scf, sci, scr, sic, sif, sip, sir, soc, sop, sri

Definitions for Soporific

[1] causing or tending to cause sleep.
[2] pertaining to or characterized by sleep or sleepiness; sleepy; drowsy.
[3] something that causes sleep, as a medicine or drug.
[4] inducing sleep
[5] drowsy; sleepy
[6] a drug or other agent that induces sleep

Words related to Soporific

anesthetic, calming, sedative, opiate, hypnotic, narcotic, deadening, balmy, drowsy, dull, somnolent, soothing, nodding, slumberous, somniferous, dozy, mesmerizing, numbing, snoozy

Words nearby Soporific

sophonias, sophrosyne, sophy, sopor, soporiferous, soporific, soporose, soporous, sopping, soppy, sopranino

Origin of Soporific

1655–65; < Latin sopor sopor + -i- + -fic; compare French soporifique

Other words from Soporific

sop·o·rif·i·cal·ly , adverb
an·ti·sop·o·rif·ic , adjective, noun
non·sop·or·if·ic , adjective, noun
un·sop·o·rif·ic , adjective

Synonyms for Soporific

anesthetic, calming, deadening, hypnotic, narcotic, opiate, sedative, balmy, dozy, drowsy, dull, mesmerizing, nodding, numbing, quietening, slumberous, snoozy, somniferous, somnolent, soothing, tranquilizing