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Showing words for SPARE using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Spare
[1] to refrain from harming or destroying; leave uninjured; forbear to punish, hurt, or destroy: to spare one's enemy.
[2] to deal gently or leniently with; show consideration for: His harsh criticism spared no one.
[3] to save from strain, discomfort, embarrassment, or the like, or from a particular cause of it: to spare him the bother; to spare her needless embarrassment.
[4] to refrain from, forbear, omit, or withhold, as action or speech: Spare us the gory details.
[5] to refrain from employing, as some instrument or recourse: to spare the rod.
[6] to set aside for a particular purpose: to spare land for a garden.
[7] to give or lend, as from a supply, especially without inconvenience or loss: Can you spare a cup of sugar? Can you spare me a dollar till payday?
[8] to dispense with or do without: We can't spare a single worker during the rush hour.
[9] to use economically or frugally; refrain from using up or wasting: A walnut sundae, and don't spare the whipped cream!
[10] to have remaining as excess or surplus: We can make the curtains and have a yard to spare.
[11] to use economy; be frugal.
[12] to refrain from inflicting injury or punishment; exercise lenience or mercy.
[13] Obsolete . to refrain from action; forbear.
[14] kept in reserve, as for possible use: a spare part.
[15] being in excess of present need; free for other use: spare time.
[16] frugally restricted or meager, as a manner of living or a diet: a spare regime.
[17] lean or thin, as a person.
[18] scanty or scant, as in amount or fullness.
[19] economical, moderate, or temperate, as persons; sparing.
[20] a spare thing, part, etc., as an extra tire for emergency use.
[21] Ceramics . an area at the top of a plaster mold for holding excess slip.
[22] Bowling . the knocking down of all the pins with two bowls. a score so made. Compare strike(def 69) .
[23] (tr) to refrain from killing, punishing, harming, or injuring
[24] (tr) to release or relieve, as from pain, suffering, etc
[25] (tr) to refrain from using spare the rod, spoil the child
[26] (tr) to be able to afford or give I can't spare the time
[27] (usually passive) (esp of Providence) to allow to survive I'll see you again next year if we are spared
[28] (intr) rare to act or live frugally
[29] (intr) rare to show mercy
[30] not spare oneself to exert oneself to the full
[31] to spare more than is required two minutes to spare
[32] (often immediately postpositive) in excess of what is needed; additional are there any seats spare?
[33] able to be used when needed a spare part
[34] (of a person) thin and lean
[35] scanty or meagre
[36] (postpositive) British slang upset, angry, or distracted (esp in the phrase go spare )
[37] a duplicate kept as a replacement in case of damage or loss
[38] a spare tyre
[39] tenpin bowling the act of knocking down all the pins with the two bowls of a single frame the score thus made Compare strike (def. 40)
Words related to Spare
unused, unoccupied, slim, angular, grant, afford, give, provide, allow, save, leave, excuse, pardon, exempt, option, emergency, over, lagniappe, free, surplus
Words nearby Spare
spar with, sparable, sparagmos, sparassis, sparaxis, spare, spare part, spare the rod and spoil the child, spare tire, spare tyre, spare-part surgery
Origin of Spare
before 900; (v.) Middle English sparen, Old English sparian; cognate with Dutch, German sparen, Old Norse spara; (noun and adj.) Middle English; compare Old English spær sparing, frugal (cognate with Old High German spar, Old Norse sparr
Other words from Spare
spare·a·ble , adjective
spare·ly , adverb
spare·ness , noun
spar·er , noun
un·spared , adjective
Word origin for Spare
Old English sparian to refrain from injuring; related to Old Norse spara, Old High German sparōn
Synonyms for Spare
unoccupied, unused, backup, emergency, free, lagniappe, leftover, option, over, supernumerary, surplus, additional, de trop, in excess, in reserve, in store, more than enough, odd, supererogatory, superfluous, unwanted