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Showing words for SPARKLE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Sparkle
6 Letter Words for Sparkle
5 Letter Words for Sparkle
4 Letter Words for Sparkle
3 Letter Words for Sparkle
Definitions for Sparkle
[1] to issue in or as if in little sparks, as fire or light: The candlelight sparkled in the crystal.
[2] to emit little sparks, as burning matter: The flames leaped and sparkled.
[3] to shine or glisten with little gleams of light, as a brilliant gem; glitter; coruscate.
[4] to effervesce, as wine.
[5] to be brilliant, lively, or vivacious.
[6] to cause to sparkle: moonlight sparkling the water; pleasure sparkling her eyes.
[7] a little spark or fiery particle.
[8] a sparkling appearance, luster, or play of light: the sparkle of a diamond.
[9] brilliance, liveliness, or vivacity.
[10] to issue or reflect or cause to issue or reflect bright points of light
[11] (intr) (of wine, mineral water, etc) to effervesce
[12] (intr) to be vivacious or witty
[13] a point of light, spark, or gleam
[14] vivacity or wit
Words related to Sparkle
radiance, twinkle, gleam, vitality, glint, glimmer, glitz, glow, glisten, flicker, shimmer, wink, scintillate, dash, life, zip, panache, show, flash, gaiety
Words nearby Sparkle
spark-killer, sparker, sparkie, sparking plug, sparking voltage, sparkle, sparkler, sparklet, sparkling water, sparkling wine, sparkly
Origin of Sparkle
1150–1200; Middle English (noun and v.); see spark1, -le
Other words from Sparkle
non·spar·kling , adjective
out·spar·kle , verb (used with object), out·spar·kled, out·spar·kling.
un·spark·ling , adjective
Word origin for Sparkle
C12 sparklen, frequentative of sparken to spark 1
Synonyms for Sparkle
gleam, glimmer, glint, glitz, glow, radiance, twinkle, vitality, animation, brilliance, coruscation, dash, dazzle, flash, flicker, gaiety, life, panache, scintillation, shimmer, show, spark, spirit, vim, vivacity, zap, zip, élan