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Showing words for SPARSE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Sparse
5 Letter Words for Sparse
4 Letter Words for Sparse
3 Letter Words for Sparse
Definitions for Sparse
[1] thinly scattered or distributed: a sparse population.
[2] not thick or dense; thin: sparse hair.
[3] scanty; meager.
[4] scattered or scanty; not dense
Words related to Sparse
infrequent, scanty, inadequate, meager, thin, sporadic, scant, scarce, skimpy, exiguous, occasional, poor, rare, spare, uncommon, scrimpy
Words nearby Sparse
sparrow hawk, sparrowfart, sparrowgrass, sparrowhawk, sparry, sparse, sparta, spartacist, spartacus, spartan, spartanburg
Origin of Sparse
1715–25; < Latin sparsus, past participle of spargere to scatter, sparge
Other words from Sparse
sparse·ly , adverb
sparse·ness , spar·si·ty [spahr -si-tee] /ˈspɑr sɪ ti/ , noun
un·sparse , adjective
un·sparse·ly , adverb
un·sparse·ness , noun
Word origin for Sparse
C18: from Latin sparsus, from spargere to scatter
Synonyms for Sparse
inadequate, infrequent, meager, scant, scanty, scarce, skimpy, sporadic, thin, dispersed, exiguous, few and far between, occasional, poor, rare, scrimpy, spare, uncommon