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Showing words for SPARTAN using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Spartan
6 Letter Words for Spartan
5 Letter Words for Spartan
4 Letter Words for Spartan
3 Letter Words for Spartan
Definitions for Spartan
[1] Also Spar·tan·ic [spahr-tan -ik] /spɑrˈtæn ɪk/ . of or relating to Sparta or its people.
[2] (usually lowercase ) suggestive of the ancient Spartans; sternly disciplined and rigorously simple, frugal, or austere.
[3] (usually lowercase ) brave; undaunted.
[4] a native or inhabitant of Sparta.
[5] a person of Spartan characteristics.
[6] of or relating to Sparta or its citizens
[7] (sometimes not capital) very strict or austere a Spartan upbringing
[8] (sometimes not capital) possessing courage and resolve
[9] a citizen of Sparta
[10] (sometimes not capital) a disciplined or brave person
[11] a Canadian variety of eating apple
Words related to Spartan
simple, hardy, brave, plain, austere, courageous, doughty, frugal, laconic, rigorous, undaunted, disciplined
Origin of Spartan
1375–1425; late Middle English < Latin Spartānus, equivalent to Spart(a ) Sparta (< Doric Greek Spártā ) + -ānus -an
Other words from Spartan
Spar·tan·ism , noun
Spar·tan·ly , Spar·tan·i·cal·ly , adverb
non-Spar·tan , adjective, noun
Synonyms for Spartan
brave, hardy, plain, simple, austere, courageous, disciplined, doughty, frugal, laconic, rigorous, undaunted