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Showing words for SPECIFIC using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Specific
7 Letter Words for Specific
6 Letter Words for Specific
5 Letter Words for Specific
4 Letter Words for Specific
3 Letter Words for Specific
Definitions for Specific
[1] having a special application, bearing, or reference; specifying, explicit, or definite: to state one's specific purpose.
[2] specified, precise, or particular: a specific sum of money.
[3] peculiar or proper to somebody or something, as qualities, characteristics, effects, etc.: His specific problems got him into trouble.
[4] of a special or particular kind.
[5] concerned specifically with the item or subject named (used in combination): The Secretary addressed himself to crop-specific problems.
[6] Biology . of or relating to a species: specific characters.
[7] Medicine/Medical . (of a disease) produced by a special cause or infection. (of a remedy) having special effect in the prevention or cure of a certain disease.
[8] Immunology . (of an antibody or antigen) having a particular effect on only one antibody or antigen or affecting it in only one way.
[9] Commerce . noting customs or duties levied in fixed amounts per unit, as number, weight, or volume.
[10] Physics . designating a physical constant that, for a particular substance, is expressed as the ratio of the quantity in the substance to the quantity in an equal volume of a standard substance, as water or air. designating a physical constant that expresses a property or effect as a quantity per unit length, area, volume, or mass.
[11] something specific, as a statement, quality, detail, etc.
[12] Medicine/Medical . a specific remedy: There is no specific for the common cold.
[13] explicit, particular, or definite please be more specific
[14] relating to a specified or particular thing a specific treatment for arthritis
[15] of or relating to a biological species specific differences
[16] (of a disease) caused by a particular pathogenic agent
[17] physics characteristic of a property of a particular substance, esp in relation to the same property of a standard reference substance specific gravity characteristic of a property of a particular substance per unit mass, length, area, volume, etc specific heat (of an extensive physical quantity) divided by mass specific heat capacity ; specific volume
[18] Also (rare): specifical commerce denoting a tariff levied at a fixed sum per unit of weight, quantity, volume, etc, irrespective of value
[19] (sometimes plural) a designated quality, thing, etc
[20] med any drug used to treat a particular disease
Words related to Specific
precise, limited, different, definitive, distinct, definite, unequivocal, explicit, individual, clear-cut, specialized, unique, exact, peculiar, special, unambiguous, characteristic, express, set, sole
Words nearby Specific
species-specific, species-specific antigen, speciesism, specif., specifiable, specific, specific action, specific activity, specific charge, specific conductance, specific dynamic action
Origin of Specific
1625–35; < Medieval Latin specificus, equivalent to Latin speci(ēs ) species + -ficus -fic
Other words from Specific
spe·cif·i·cal·ly , adverb
non·spe·cif·i·cal·ly , adverb
pre·spe·cif·ic , adjective
pre·spe·cif·i·cal·ly , adverb
un·spe·cif·ic , adjective
un·spe·cif·i·cal·ly , adverb
spe•cif′ i•cal•ly adv.
Word origin for Specific
C17: from Medieval Latin specificus, from Latin species
Synonyms for Specific
clear-cut, definite, definitive, different, distinct, exact, explicit, individual, limited, peculiar, precise, special, specialized, unambiguous, unequivocal, unique, characteristic, express, set, sole, bull's eye, categorical, clean-cut, cut fine, dead on, downright, drawn fine, especial, flat out, hit nail on head, on target, outright, reserved, restricted, right on, straight-out