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Showing words for SPECIFIED using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Specified


8 Letter Words for Specified

dispiece, edifices

7 Letter Words for Specified

deifies, edifice, edifies

6 Letter Words for Specified

decise, defies, deices, deific, dipsie, espied, pieced, pieces, specie, specif, spiced

5 Letter Words for Specified

cedes, cedis, cepes, cides, deeps, defis, deice, dices, disci, epics, espec, feces, feeds, fices, fides, pedes, piece, sepic, siped, sipid, spece, speed, spice, spide, spied

4 Letter Words for Specified

cede, cedi, cees, cepe, ceps, cide, cids, deep, dees, defi, defs, deis, depe, desc, desi, dice, dies, difs, dips, disc, disp, eide, epic, fdic, feds, feed, fees, feis, fice, fide, fids, fied, fies, fisc, fise, iced, ices, idee, ides, idic, ipid, ipse, ised, pecs, peds, peed, pees, pice, pics, pied, pies, pise, psec, psid, seed, seep, seif, sepd, sice, side, sidi, sife, sipe, spec, sped, spic, spie, spif

3 Letter Words for Specified

cdf, cee, cep, cfd, cfi, cfs, cid, cie, cif, cis, cpd, cpi, cps, csi, csp, dec, dee, def, dei, dep, des, die, dif, dip, dis, dpi, dsp, edp, eds, eec, efs, epi, esc, esd, ese, esp, fcp, fcs, fec, fed, fee, fei, fes, fid, fie, fip, fps, ice, ide, idp, ids, ifc, ife, ifs, ips, ise, pcf, pci, pec, ped, pee, pes, pfc, pfd, pic, pid, pie, pis, psf, psi, scd, scf, sci, sec, sed, see, sei, sep, sic, sie, sif, sip

Definitions for Specified

[1] to mention or name specifically or definitely; state in detail: He did not specify the amount needed.
[2] to give a specific character to.
[3] to set forth as a specification.
[4] to name or state as a condition: He specified that he be given my power of attorney.
[5] to make a specific mention or statement.
[6] to refer to or state specifically
[7] to state as a condition
[8] to state or include in the specification of

Words related to Specified

specifystated, detailed, named, described

Words nearby Specified

specifyspecific viscosity, specific volume, specifically, specification, specificity, specify, specimen, specimen plant, speciosity, specious, specious present

Origin of Specified

y1250–1300; Middle English specyfyen < Old French specifier < Medieval Latin specificāre. See specific, -fy

Other words from Specified

spec·i·fi·ca·tive [spes -uh -fi-key-tiv] /ˈspɛs ə fɪˌkeɪ tɪv/ , adjective
spec·i·fi·ca·tive·ly , adverb
spec·i·fi·er , noun
mis·spec·i·fied , adjective
non·spec·i·fied , adjective
pre·spec·i·fy , verb (used with object), pre·spec·i·fied, pre·spec·i·fy·ing.
re·spec·i·fy , verb, re·spec·i·fied, re·spec·i·fy·ing.
un·der·spec·i·fied , adjective
un·der·spec·i·fy , verb (used with object), un·der·spec·i·fied, un·der·spec·i·fy·ing.
un·spec·i·fied , adjective
un·spec·i·fy·ing , adjective

Word origin for Specified

yC13: from Medieval Latin specificāre to describe

Synonyms for Specified

stated, described, detailed, itemized, named