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Showing words for SPECTROGRAPHY using the English dictionary
13 Letter Words for Spectrography
12 Letter Words for Spectrography
cryptographs, spectrograph, typographers
11 Letter Words for Spectrography
cryptograph, crystograph, petrography, pterography, typographer
10 Letter Words for Spectrography
carpophyte, cartoppers, cerographs, cerography, cyrtograph, cystorrhea, graphotype, hypocrater, partygoers, petrograph, phagocyter, phagocytes, saprophyte, trypograph, typographs
9 Letter Words for Spectrography
apophyges, carthorse, cartopper, cerograph, chaseport, copperahs, copygraph, creophagy, ecstrophy, gorsechat, grapeshot, hoppercar, horsecart, orchestra, parophrys, partygoer, phagocyte, potashery, pothecary, precatory, prophages, prophetry, prostheca, pyorrheas, pyrograph, recaptors, serograph, sharecrop, spaceport, theocrasy, typograph
8 Letter Words for Spectrography
acroters, aerocyst, agrotype, apocryph, apophyge, archpoet, argyrose, capshore, carports, category, chapters, chargers, charoset, charpoys, charters, chayotes, choppers, copperah, copperas, coragyps, corsetry, cortages, coryphes, cosharer, crappers, crapshot, creators, croppers, escargot, garrotes, geocarpy, greycoat, gyrators, gyrocars, herstory, horsecar, hostager, hypocarp, orphreys, partyers, patchers, patchery, petchary, petrarch, phorates, poachers, porphyra, porrects, portages, portrays, postrace, potagers, potagery, potchers, potecary, potshare, praetors, prechart, precrash, procarps, prohaste, propages, property, prophage, prophase, prophecy, prophesy, prophets, prorates, prospect, protheca, pyorrhea, rapports, raptores, reactors, recaptor, recharts, reproach, rheocrat, rothesay, scrapper, scrappet, scyphate, shortage, starcher, stoppage, strapper, stropper, tapecopy, toparchs, toparchy, torchare, torchers, trappers, trappose, trashery, trochars, trophesy, yachters
7 Letter Words for Spectrography
acepots, acroter, apocyte, apothec, apotype, apports, apposer, apprest, archers, archery, archest, archspy, asthore, atrepsy, atrophy, capotes, cappers, captors, cargoes, carhops, carpers, carpets, carport, carrots, carroty, carshop, carters, castory, certosa, chapote, chapper, chapter, charets, charger, charges, charpoy, charros, charter, chaster, chayote, cheapos, cheatry, chogset, chopper, choragy, choreas, choregy, chypres, coarser, coaster, coaters, coparty, coperta, coppers, coppery, coppras, coprahs, copters, corresp, corsage, cortage, corypha, coryphe, coshery, costage, cotypes, crapper, crasher, craters, crayers, creaghs, creaght, creasot, creator, cropper, cryptos, cyathos, cythera, earshot, ecphory, ectropy, eparchs, eparchy, epochas, esparto, ethrogs, garoter, garrets, garrote, garrots, garters, gathers, gertcha, gestapo, gheraos, ghoster, gophers, gosther, gotchas, grapery, grapeys, grasper, graters, grather, grayest, grocers, grocery, gropers, grosert, gyppers, gypster, gyrates, gyrator, gyrocar, gytrash, hagrope, haroset, harpers, hatpegs, hectors, hepcats, hoarser, hoppers, hopsage, hostage, hypates, hypogea, hyraces, operary, oraches, orchats, orgeats, orphrey, parcher, parches, parergy, pargets, parrots, parroty, parters, partyer, patcher, patches, pectora, pegtops, perhaps, petrary, petrosa, phorate, phoresy, phraser, phrasey, phrator, phratry, phytase, poacher, poaches, pochays, porcate, porches, porrect, portage, porters, portray, poschay, postage, potager, potages, potcher, potches, pothers, pothery, praetor, praters, prayers, preachy, preacts, precary, precast, precopy, precyst, prehaps, prepays, presort, pretors, procarp, propage, propers, prophet, propter, prorate, prosapy, prosect, prosper, proteas, protype, psycter, pyropes, rachets, ragtops, rappers, rapport, raptors, ratcher, ratches, reactor, rechaos, rechart, recoast, recoats, rectors, rectory, regracy, regraph, regrasp, repatch, reports, respray, restrap, rhagose, rhetors, roaches, roaster, rochets, rotches, rothers, royster, scarper, sceptry, schappe, scopate, scorper, scraper, scrappy, scyphae, scyther, seaport, sectary, segathy, sharger, sharper, shoepac, shopper, shorter, soapery, socager, sorcery, sparger, sparthe, spector, spectra, spectry, sporter, sprayer, spreagh, spreath, stacher, stagery, starchy, stopgap, stopper, storage, strappy, strayer, strepor, strophe, stroppy, stroyer, tagsore, tappers, teapoys, teashop, tephras, therapy, thorpes, threaps, tochers, toecaps, toerags, toparch, toppers, torcher, torches, torreya, toshery, tracers, tracery, trapper, trasher, trocars, trochar, troches, tropary, typhose, yachter, yappers, yapster, yoppers, ypocras
6 Letter Words for Spectrography
achter, acrose, actors, actory, agrest, agrope, agrote, ahorse, apepsy, aperch, appert, apport, appose, archer, arches, arcose, argosy, argots, arrect, arrest, arrets, arrope, artery, ascher, ashery, ashore, aspect, asport, astore, astrer, atresy, atroce, cageot, cagers, cagots, capers, capote, capots, capper, capros, captor, carers, carest, carets, careys, carhop, carper, carpet, carpos, carrot, carrys, carsey, carter, cartes, cartop, casher, casper, caster, castor, castro, caters, catery, cathop, cathro, ceptor, cerago, chapes, chappe, chappy, charer, chares, charet, charge, charro, charrs, charry, charts, chaser, chaste, chasty, cheapo, cheaps, cheapy, cheats, cherry, cherts, cherty, chesty, choate, choaty, chopas, choppy, chorea, chores, chypre, chytra, coapts, coarse, coater, coates, cohert, copart, copays, copers, coppas, copper, coppet, coppra, coprah, copras, copter, corage, corers, coreys, corpse, corpsy, corser, corset, cortes, coryph, coseat, cosher, costar, coster, cotery, cotype, coyest, crapes, crappo, crappy, crares, crater, crates, crayer, creagh, creasy, croape, croppa, croppy, crores, croset, crypta, crypto, crypts, cryste, cypres, cytase, earths, earthy, ectopy, epacts, eparch, ephors, ephyra, epocha, epochs, epopts, eprosy, ergots, escarp, eschar, escort, estray, ethrog, etrogs, gapers, gapper, gareth, garres, garret, garrot, garter, garths, gasher, gasper, gaster, gaters, gather, gators, gayest, gerahs, geraty, gestor, getspa, gharry, gherao, ghosty, gocart, gopher, goster, gotcha, gotchy, gracer, graces, grapes, grapey, graphs, graphy, graste, grater, grates, grayer, greasy, greats, groats, grocer, groper, gropes, groser, groset, gryces, grypes, gypper, gyppos, gyrase, gyrate, gyrose, happer, haptor, harper, haster, haters, hatpeg, hayers, hearst, hearsy, hearts, hearty, hectar, hector, hepars, hepcat, heyrat, hoarse, hogsty, hopers, hopper, hoppet, horace, horary, horray, horser, horsey, horste, hoster, hostry, hypate, hypers, hyrate, oaters, ochers, ochery, ochrea, octary, operas, ophrys, opters, orache, orachs, orates, orchat, orgeat, osprey, ostrca, ostrea, ostrya, others, oyster, pacers, pagers, papers, papery, papreg, parchy, parecy, pareos, parers, parges, parget, pargos, paroch, parrot, parsec, parser, parter, partes, pashto, paster, pastor, pastry, patchy, pathos, payers, payors, peachy, pearch, pearst, pechay, pechys, peract, percha, pesach, petars, petary, petrog, phages, phares, pharos, phaser, phasor, phocae, phocas, phrase, phrasy, poachy, pochay, poetry, pogeys, popery, porers, porger, porges, porret, portas, porter, posher, postea, poster, potage, potash, potche, pother, prater, prates, pratey, prayer, preach, preops, prepay, presay, presto, pretor, pretry, proach, proart, proper, prophy, prores, prorsa, prosar, proser, protea, psyche, psycho, pyrope, pyrrha, racers, raches, rachet, ragers, ragery, ragtop, rapers, raphes, raport, rapper, rapter, raptor, rarest, rarety, rasher, rasper, raster, ratero, raters, rather, reachy, reacts, reasty, recaps, recart, recash, recast, rechar, recoat, recopy, recost, recrop, rector, rectos, regars, reorgs, repart, repast, repays, report, repost, repots, repray, repros, resgat, reshot, resoap, resort, respot, retags, retros, rhetor, roates, rocher, roches, rochet, rogers, ropers, ropery, rosace, rosary, rosery, rosety, roster, rotary, rotche, rother, sachet, sacope, sapego, sapote, sapper, sappho, sartor, scaphe, scarer, scarpe, scarph, scarre, scarry, scarth, scathe, scathy, scheat, scopae, scopet, scorer, scoter, scrape, scrapy, scrath, scraye, screar, scrota, scryer, scypha, scythe, seahog, search, secpar, sector, seraph, shaper, sharer, sharry, sherpa, sherry, shoppe, shoppy, shorea, shorer, shorty, shrape, soaper, soarer, socage, sopher, sophta, sopper, sorage, sorcer, sorghe, sorter, soyate, spacer, spacey, sparch, sparer, sparge, sparre, sparry, sparth, spathe, speary, spetch, sphaer, sphear, sphery, spoach, sporty, sproat, sproty, stager, starch, starer, starry, stayer, stayre, stoach, stocah, stogey, stoper, storay, storer, storge, strage, strych, strype, sypher, taches, tachos, tapers, tapery, tapper, targer, targes, tarocs, tarres, teachy, teapoy, tepary, tephra, tepoys, teraph, terras, thapes, theory, therap, thorpe, thorps, thrace, thraep, thraso, throes, thrope, thyrse, tocher, toecap, toerag, topcap, topers, tophes, topper, torchy, tosher, toyers, tracer, traces, trapes, trappy, trashy, treasr, trocar, trocha, troche, troper, tropes, trophy, tryers, yachts, yagers, yapper, yarest, yartos, yearth, yopper
5 Letter Words for Spectrography
acers, acher, aches, achor, acost, acres, actor, actos, agers, ahoys, apers, apert, apery, aport, appet, appro, apres, apter, arces, arche, archt, archy, arest, arets, argos, argot, aroph, arose, arret, arrgt, arter, artsy, ascot, ascry, asher, ashet, ashot, asper, aster, astor, astre, atocs, atopy, aygre, ayres, cager, cages, cagey, cagot, cahot, caper, capes, caphs, capos, capot, cappy, carer, cares, caret, carey, cargo, carot, carpe, carps, carrs, carry, carse, carte, carts, carty, caser, caste, cater, cates, cathy, catso, cayos, ceras, cerat, ceros, certs, certy, cesar, cesta, chaos, chape, chaps, chare, charr, chars, chart, chary, chase, chats, chays, cheap, cheat, chego, chert, chest, choga, chopa, chops, chore, chort, chose, chota, choya, coapt, coart, coast, coate, coats, copay, coper, copes, coppa, copps, coppy, copra, copse, copsy, corah, corer, cores, corey, corge, corps, corse, corsy, corta, coset, cosey, costa, coste, cotes, cothe, coths, cothy, coyer, crags, crape, craps, crapy, crare, crash, crate, craye, crays, crept, crepy, crest, creta, croat, crops, crore, crosa, crose, crost, crypt, cryst, cyath, cypre, cytes, earsh, earst, earth, ecart, echar, egypt, epact, ephas, ephor, epoch, epopt, erato, ergot, escar, escot, escry, esrog, estoc, estop, estro, ethos, etrog, eyght, eyots, eyrar, eyras, gaper, gapes, gapos, gappy, garce, gareh, garre, garse, garth, gashy, gaspy, gatch, gater, gates, gaths, gator, gayer, gears, geast, geats, geoty, gerah, getah, getas, ghast, ghats, ghest, ghost, goary, goats, goaty, goers, goety, gorce, gorer, gores, gorps, gorra, gorry, gorse, gorst, gorsy, gosht, gotch, goter, gotha, goths, gotra, grace, gracy, grape, graph, grapy, grasp, grate, grays, great, greco, greta, groat, grope, grote, grots, gryce, grype, gryph, grypt, gyppo, gyres, gyros, gytes, happy, hares, haros, harps, harpy, harre, harry, harst, harts, haste, hasty, hater, hates, hayer, hayes, heaps, heapy, hears, heart, heast, heats, hepar, herry, hoars, hoary, hoast, hoers, hoper, hopes, hoppy, horas, horry, horse, horst, hosea, hoser, hosey, hosta, hoyas, hyper, hypes, hypos, hyrse, hyrst, oater, oaths, ocher, oches, ochry, ocrea, octas, ocyte, ogres, ohare, opahs, opera, opter, orach, oracy, orage, orary, orate, orcas, osage, oscar, oshac, oshea, otary, other, oyers, pacer, paces, pacey, pacos, pacts, pager, pages, pahos, paper, papes, papey, papyr, parch, pareo, parer, pares, parge, pargo, parps, parrs, parry, parse, parte, parto, parts, party, pasch, paseo, paspy, paste, pasto, pasty, patch, pates, paths, pathy, patsy, payer, payor, peach, peags, pears, peart, peasy, peats, peaty, pechs, pecht, pecos, peghs, pepos, perca, perch, perps, perry, perst, perth, perts, perty, pesah, pesto, pesty, petar, petas, petos, petro, phaet, phage, phare, pharo, phase, phoca, phose, phots, physa, poach, poche, poesy, poets, pogey, popes, popsy, porch, porer, pores, poret, porge, porgy, porry, porta, porte, ports, porty, posca, poser, posey, potch, poter, potes, potsy, poyse, praos, prase, prate, prats, praty, prays, preop, prepg, preps, presa, preta, preys, proas, progs, propr, props, prore, prose, prost, prosy, prote, pryse, psoae, psora, psych, psyop, ptyas, pyats, pyche, pyets, pyots, pyres, pyros, racer, races, rache, rager, rages, raper, rapes, raphe, rappe, rares, raser, raspy, rasty, ratch, rater, rates, rathe, raths, ratos, reach, react, reaps, rears, reast, reasy, recap, recpt, recto, regar, regos, reorg, repas, repay, repos, repot, repps, repro, repry, resat, resay, restr, resty, retag, retar, retch, retro, retry, rheas, rhyta, roach, roars, roary, roast, roate, roche, rocta, roger, roper, ropes, rores, rorts, rorty, roser, roset, rotas, rotch, roter, rotes, rotge, royet, royst, ryots, ryper, sacre, sacro, sacry, sager, sapor, sappy, sarge, sargo, sarpo, satyr, sayer, scape, scare, scarp, scart, scary, scath, sceat, scopa, scope, score, scote, scrae, scrag, scrap, scrat, scray, scrog, seary, segar, seora, sepoy, seppa, septa, serac, sergt, serra, serry, serta, shape, shapy, share, sharp, shear, sheat, shoat, shope, shore, short, shote, shoya, shrag, shrap, shrog, shyer, soapy, soare, soary, socht, soger, soget, sophy, soppy, sopra, sorer, sorra, sorry, sorta, sorty, space, spaer, spare, spart, spary, spate, spath, spear, speat, spect, spore, sport, sprag, sprat, spray, spret, sprog, sprot, spyer, stage, stagy, staph, stare, starr, stary, stear, stech, stegh, stero, stoae, stoep, stoga, stopa, stope, store, story, strae, strag, strap, stray, strep, strey, strop, stroy, styca, styre, syrah, sythe, taces, tache, tacho, tachs, tacos, tacso, tahrs, taper, tapes, tares, targe, taroc, taros, tarps, tarre, tarry, tarse, tasco, taser, tayer, teach, tears, teary, teasy, techs, techy, tehrs, tepas, tepor, tepoy, terap, teras, terga, terra, terrs, terry, thars, theca, theor, theos, thore, thorp, those, thrae, thrap, throe, toeas, togas, toges, toher, topas, toper, topes, tophe, tophs, toppy, topsy, torch, torcs, tores, torrs, torse, tosca, toshy, toyer, trace, trape, traps, trash, trasy, trays, treas, treys, troca, troch, trogs, trope, troys, tryer, trypa, tryps, tyche, tyers, typer, types, typha, typos, typps, tyros, yacht, yager, yapps, yarer, yarrs, yarth, yarto, yates, yeahs, years, yeast, yeats, yechs, yerga, yerth, ygapo, yogas, yoghs, yores, ypres, yrapt
4 Letter Words for Spectrography
acer, aces, ache, achy, acop, acor, acpt, acre, actg, acth, acts, aero, agcy, ager, ages, aget, agos, agst, ahey, ahoy, aper, apes, apps, appt, apse, apts, arch, arco, arcs, areg, ares, aret, argh, argo, arte, arts, arty, ashy, asop, asor, aspy, astr, ates, atoc, atop, atry, ayes, ayre, cage, cape, caph, capo, caps, capt, care, carp, carr, cars, cart, case, cash, cast, cate, cath, cats, cays, ceas, cepa, ceps, cera, cero, cert, cest, chao, chap, char, chas, chat, chay, cher, chge, chop, choy, chry, coat, coes, cogs, copa, cope, copr, cops, copt, copy, cora, core, corp, corr, cors, cort, cory, cose, cosh, cost, cote, coth, cots, coys, crag, crap, cray, cres, croh, crop, croy, crpe, crts, ctge, cyst, cyte, each, ears, east, easy, eath, eats, echo, echt, ecto, egos, epha, epop, epos, eras, erat, ergo, ergs, eros, errs, ersh, erst, erth, esca, esop, espy, etas, etch, eths, eyah, eyas, eyot, eyra, gaes, gaet, gape, gapo, gaps, gapy, gare, gars, gart, gary, gash, gasp, gast, gate, gath, gats, gays, gear, geat, geos, gers, gery, gest, geta, gets, ghat, goar, goas, goat, goer, goes, gora, gore, gorp, gory, gosh, gote, goth, goys, gras, grat, gray, gret, gros, grot, gype, gyps, gyre, gyro, gyse, gyte, haec, haes, hags, haps, hare, haro, harp, harr, hart, hasp, hast, hate, hats, haye, hays, heap, hear, heat, heps, hept, hera, hero, herp, herr, hers, hert, hery, hesp, hest, hets, heys, hoar, hoas, hoer, hoes, hoey, hoga, hogs, hope, hops, hora, hore, hors, hort, hory, hose, hosp, host, hote, hots, hoya, hoys, hyes, hype, hypo, hyps, hypt, hyte, oars, oary, oast, oath, oats, oaty, ocas, oche, ochs, ocht, octa, ogre, opah, opec, opes, opsy, opts, orae, oras, orca, orch, orcs, ores, orgy, orra, orth, orts, osar, osha, oyer, oyes, pace, paco, pacs, pact, pacy, page, paho, pahs, pape, paps, parc, pare, parp, parr, pars, part, pase, pash, paso, past, pate, path, pato, pats, paty, paye, pays, payt, peag, pear, peas, peat, pech, pecs, pega, pegh, pegs, peho, pehs, pepo, peps, perh, perp, pers, pert, pesa, peso, pest, peta, peto, pets, phar, phat, phos, phot, phys, poas, poet, pogy, poha, pohs, pope, pops, porc, pore, porr, port, pory, pose, posh, post, posy, pote, pots, prag, prao, prat, pray, prec, prep, pres, pret, prey, proa, proc, prog, prop, pros, prys, psec, psha, ptah, pyas, pyat, pyes, pyet, pyot, pyre, pyro, race, rach, racy, rage, rags, rahs, rape, raps, rapt, rare, rash, rasp, rast, rate, rath, rato, rats, rays, rcpt, reap, rear, recs, rect, rego, regr, regs, regt, rehs, repo, repp, repr, reps, rept, resp, rest, rets, rhea, rheo, rhet, rhos, roar, roch, rocs, roer, roes, roey, rope, ropp, ropy, rort, rory, rosa, rose, rost, rosy, rota, rotc, rote, rots, royt, ryas, ryes, ryot, rype, saco, sage, sago, sagy, sapo, sare, sart, sate, scap, scar, scat, scet, scho, scog, scop, scot, scry, scye, scyt, seah, sear, seat, sech, seco, sect, secy, sego, seor, sepg, sept, serg, sero, serr, sert, seta, seth, shag, shap, shay, shea, sher, shet, shoe, shog, shop, shor, shot, shpt, shtg, soap, soar, soca, soce, sope, soph, sora, sore, sort, sory, soth, spae, spag, spar, spat, spay, spec, spet, spor, spot, spry, srac, stag, stap, star, stay, steg, step, ster, stey, stge, stoa, stog, stop, stor, stra, stre, syce, sype, syph, syre, syrt, tace, tach, taco, tags, tahr, taos, tape, taps, tare, taro, tarp, tarr, tars, tash, tays, tche, tchr, teap, tear, teas, teca, tech, tega, tegs, tehr, tepa, tera, terp, terr, thae, thar, thea, they, thor, thos, thro, toch, tocs, toea, toes, toey, toga, toge, togs, tope, toph, tops, torc, tore, torr, tors, tosa, tose, tosh, tosy, toys, trac, trag, trah, trap, tray, tres, trey, trog, trop, troy, trye, tryp, tyer, tyes, tygs, type, typo, typp, tyro, tyrr, yags, yahs, yapp, yaps, yare, yarr, yate, yeah, year, yeas, yeat, yech, yeps, yeso, yest, yeta, yeth, ygoe, yoga, yogh, yore, yote
3 Letter Words for Spectrography
ace, ach, act, acy, aer, aes, age, ago, agr, ags, agt, agy, aho, ahs, aor, apc, ape, aph, app, apr, apt, arc, are, arg, arr, ars, art, ary, ase, asg, ash, asp, ast, ate, atp, aye, ayr, ays, cag, cap, car, cat, cay, ceo, cep, cer, cgs, cha, che, chg, cho, chs, cog, cop, cor, cos, cot, coy, cpa, cpo, cpr, cps, cpt, cro, crs, crt, cry, csp, cst, cte, ctg, cto, ctr, cts, cyp, ear, eas, eat, ecg, ech, eco, ect, ego, ehs, eos, epa, era, erg, err, ers, ert, esc, esp, esr, est, eta, etc, eth, ety, eyr, gap, gar, gas, gat, gay, geo, ger, get, gey, goa, gop, gor, gos, got, goy, gph, gps, gra, gro, grr, grs, gry, gtc, gte, gye, gyp, hae, hag, hao, hap, has, hat, hay, heo, hep, her, hes, het, hey, hgt, hoa, hoc, hoe, hog, hop, hor, hos, hot, hoy, hrs, hts, hye, hyp, oar, oas, oat, oca, och, oct, oer, oes, ohs, opa, ope, opp, ops, opt, ora, orc, ore, org, ors, ort, ory, ose, otc, oye, oys, pac, pah, pap, par, pas, pat, pay, pcp, pct, pea, pec, peg, peh, pep, per, pes, pet, pho, phr, pht, poa, poh, pop, por, pos, pot, poy, ppa, pph, ppr, pps, ppt, prc, pre, pro, prp, prs, pry, pst, pta, pte, ptg, ptp, pts, pty, pya, pye, pyr, rag, rah, rap, ras, rat, ray, rct, rea, rec, reg, reh, rep, res, rha, rhe, rho, rhy, roc, roe, rog, ros, rot, rps, rpt, rte, rya, rye, sac, sag, sah, sao, sap, sar, sat, say, sch, scr, sct, sea, sec, seg, sep, ser, set, sey, sha, she, sho, shp, shr, sht, shy, soc, sog, sop, sot, soy, spa, spp, spt, spy, sta, stg, str, sty, sye, syr, tag, tao, tap, tar, tas, tay, tch, tcp, tea, tec, teg, ter, tes, tha, the, tho, thy, toa, toc, toe, tog, top, tor, tos, toy, tph, tps, tra, trp, trs, try, tsh, tsp, tye, tyg, typ, tyr, yag, yah, yap, yar, yas, yat, yea, yeh, yeo, yep, yer, yes, yet, ygo, yoe, yor, yos, yot, yrs
Definitions for Spectrography
[1] a spectroscope for photographing or producing a representation of a spectrum.
[2] sound spectrograph.
[3] a spectroscope or spectrometer that produces a photographic record (spectrogram ) of a spectrum See also sound spectrograph
Words nearby Spectrography
spectrographspectrochemical, spectrochemistry, spectrocolorimetry, spectrofluorimeter, spectrogram, spectrograph, spectrography, spectroheliogram, spectroheliograph, spectrohelioscope, spectrology
Origin of Spectrography
First recorded in 1880–85; spectro- + -graph
Other words from Spectrography
spec·trog·ra·pher [spek-trog -ruh -fer] /spɛkˈtrɒg rə fər/ , noun
spec·tro·graph·ic [spek-truh -graf -ik] /ˌspɛk trəˈgræf ɪk/ , adjective
spec·tro·graph·i·cal·ly , adverb
spec·trog·ra·phy , noun