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Showing words for SPHEROIDICITY using the English dictionary

13 Letter Words for Spheroidicity


11 Letter Words for Spheroidicity

chytridiose, periodicity, spheroidity

10 Letter Words for Spheroidicity

cerithioid, dichroites, diophysite, droichiest, dystrophic, editorship, eriophyids, hyperstoic, hypocrites, hysterioid, hystricoid, idiotypies, iridiocyte, orchestiid, orchiditis, preciosity, sphericity, spheroidic

9 Letter Words for Spheroidicity

chirotype, chirpiest, chorditis, chrysopid, copyedits, cypriotes, deityship, dichroite, dioptrics, dioristic, diphysite, dortiship, dysphoric, dysphotic, ecstrophy, epihydric, erichtoid, eriophyid, heroicity, heroistic, hideosity, hidrotics, hircosity, hispidity, historied, hydroptic, hypocrite, hysteroid, hystricid, idiotcies, idiotypes, idiotypic, iodyrites, iridocyte, isohydric, orcheitis, orchidist, osphretic, peridotic, periotics, physcioid, phytocide, pithecoid, sciophyte, sideritic, siderotic, sporicide, theriodic, thyreoids, tripodies

8 Letter Words for Spheroidicity

christed, christie, chytrids, ciderish, ciderist, copyedit, cordites, corditis, coryphes, cyprides, cypriote, cypriots, decisory, decorist, decrypts, descript, despotic, diopters, dioptric, diorites, dioritic, diprotic, dipsetic, dipteroi, dipteros, diptychs, disherit, dispirit, ditchers, dithioic, eophytic, epidotic, episodic, epochist, eryopsid, ethiopic, hidrotic, histioid, historic, hydropic, hydrotic, hypocist, hysteric, icosteid, icterids, icteroid, idiocies, idiotish, idiotype, iodyrite, iriscope, isoteric, isotypic, orchitis, pectoris, percoids, peridots, periodic, periotic, periscii, persicot, phoretic, picoides, picrites, piedroit, piscioid, pitchers, pitchery, pitchier, pityroid, poitiers, poristic, portside, postiche, potchers, potiches, potsherd, predicts, presidio, priciest, proseity, proteids, psychoid, pyretics, pyritoid, riposted, riptides, rotchies, scripted, sectroid, sephiric, serphoid, sipidity, sopheric, sphecoid, spheroid, spirited, spitcher, stopdice, strophic, theodicy, theorics, thyreoid, thyroids, thyrsoid, tiderips, topsider, trichode, trichoid, tripodic, trophesy, trophied, trophies, typhoids

7 Letter Words for Spheroidicity

ceriops, ceriphs, cestoid, chiders, chipset, chirped, chirted, chitose, choired, chorist, chrysid, chypres, chytrid, ciphers, cirsoid, cistori, cithers, cityish, coedits, coheirs, cohitre, copiers, copsier, copters, copyist, cordies, cordite, corpsed, corsite, coryphe, coshery, cotised, cotypes, credits, crisped, crypted, cryptos, cyprids, cypriot, cystoid, cytodes, decrypt, dehorts, deistic, depicts, deports, deposit, descort, destroy, deyship, dhoties, diceros, diciest, dictery, dictier, dietics, diopter, dioptry, diorite, dipshit, diptych, directs, dirties, discept, discerp, discoer, disheir, dishier, disport, distich, ditcher, ditches, dithers, dithery, ditsier, dochter, dopiest, dopster, droichs, droichy, dystopi, echoist, ecphory, ectiris, ectropy, editors, eisodic, ephoric, epicist, epiotic, ericoid, eristic, erotics, eryopid, escript, estrich, ethiops, hectors, heptoic, herdics, heriots, heroics, hipster, hirstie, histoid, history, histrio, hoisted, hoister, hosiery, hospice, hydrops, hyoides, hyporit, icotype, icterid, idiotcy, idiotic, idiotry, ipseity, iridite, isohyet, isoptic, isopyre, isotype, itchier, oestrid, ophites, ophitic, orchids, oristic, ostrich, percoid, peridot, periods, periost, perotic, persico, pertish, peshito, phoresy, photics, phycite, phytoid, picoted, picrite, piedish, pierids, piosity, pitched, pitcher, pitches, pithier, pitiers, pitside, podices, podites, poditic, poetics, poietic, poister, porched, porches, poriest, posited, potched, potcher, potches, pothers, pothery, potiche, preciso, precyst, predict, presidy, procity, proetid, prosect, prostie, proteic, proteid, protide, psyched, psychid, psycter, pteroid, pterois, pyretic, pyridic, pyrites, pyritic, pyrotic, redtops, rehoist, repitch, reposit, rhodies, rhodite, rhyptic, richest, richted, riciest, ridiest, riposte, riptide, rochets, rociest, roisted, ropiest, rosehip, rosited, rotches, rotchie, roysted, sceptry, scripto, scrithe, scyphoi, scythed, scyther, sepioid, septoic, serphid, shirpit, shirted, shorted, siphoid, siricid, society, sopited, soricid, soritic, sortied, spector, spectry, sperity, sphecid, spheric, spicery, spicier, spidery, spirity, spiroid, sported, steroid, stichid, stichoi, storied, striche, striped, stripey, strophe, stroyed, syrphid, tercios, thecoid, theoric, theroid, thorpes, thripid, thyroid, tichier, tiderip, tidiers, tidiose, tierods, tipsier, tochers, toisech, topside, torched, torches, torpids, toshery, toshier, triceps, trichys, triodes, trioecs, tripods, tripody, troched, troches, trochid, tropeic, trophic, tropics, typhoid, typhose

6 Letter Words for Spheroidicity

cephid, ceptor, ceriph, ceroid, certis, cestoi, cherts, cherty, chesty, chider, chides, chiros, chirps, chirpy, chirts, choirs, choise, chords, chored, chorei, chores, christ, chypre, ciders, cidery, cipher, cisted, citers, cither, citied, cities, coders, codist, coedit, coheir, cohert, copers, copied, copier, copies, copist, copsed, copter, coptis, cordis, coreid, coreys, cories, corpse, corpsy, corset, corsie, cortes, coryph, coshed, cosher, costed, coster, cotery, cotise, cotype, coyest, coyish, credit, credos, crepis, cripes, crispy, cristy, criths, croise, croset, crypto, crypts, cryste, cypres, cyprid, cypris, cysted, cystid, cytisi, cytode, cytoid, decors, decoys, dehors, dehort, deiist, depict, deport, depots, depths, derths, descry, despot, destry, dhotie, dhotis, dicers, dichts, dicier, dicots, dietic, dioecy, diotic, dipsey, dipsie, dipter, dipyre, direct, direst, dirity, disert, disher, dister, dither, docity, dohter, dopers, dopier, dories, doters, dother, dotier, dotish, dreich, dretch, drices, driech, driest, droich, droits, dropsy, dryish, drypis, ectopy, edicts, editor, eoiths, ephods, ephori, ephors, epirot, epithi, epochs, epodic, epoist, eprosy, erotic, escort, escrod, esodic, esprit, ethics, ethiop, etypic, hector, herdic, heriot, heroic, heroid, hiders, hieros, hispid, histed, hister, histie, hoised, hopers, hordes, horsed, horsey, horste, hosier, hosted, hoster, hostie, hostry, hydric, hydros, hyoids, hypers, hypoed, hypoid, ichors, iciest, ideist, idiocy, idiots, iodite, irides, iridic, irised, iritic, iritis, irtish, irtysh, itched, itches, ochers, ochery, oecist, ophite, ophrys, opters, optics, orchid, orchis, oretic, orites, orphic, orthic, orthid, osiery, osprey, others, otides, oyster, pechys, pedros, percid, perdit, period, perish, periti, persic, persio, pescod, phocid, phorid, photic, physed, physic, physid, physio, phytic, pichey, picoid, picory, picote, picots, picris, pierid, pieris, pierst, pietic, piitis, pioted, pioyes, pished, pisote, pistic, pitchi, pitchy, pithed, pithes, pithoi, pithos, pitied, pitier, pities, pitris, podite, poetic, poetry, poised, poiser, porite, ported, poshed, posher, posied, posier, posted, poster, postic, postie, potche, pother, potsie, poysed, precis, presto, priced, prices, pricey, prides, priest, pritch, prosed, prosit, protei, protid, prysed, psocid, psoric, psyche, psycho, pteric, pteris, pyrite, pyroid, rechip, recits, recopy, recost, rectos, redips, redipt, redtop, reisty, repost, repots, reship, reshod, reshot, respot, rhodes, rhodic, rhodie, rhotic, riched, riches, richts, rioted, ripest, risped, roches, rochet, ropish, roscid, rosety, rosied, rosted, rotche, scipio, scoped, scopet, scored, scoter, scride, scried, script, scrite, scryde, scyphi, scythe, sector, septic, seriph, shicer, shiite, shirty, shited, shoder, shored, shorty, shride, shrite, sithed, sitrep, sopher, sophic, sopite, sorite, sorted, sortie, sothic, spetch, sphery, spiced, spicer, spicey, spider, spired, spiric, spirit, spited, spored, sporid, sporty, spried, sprite, sproty, spyred, steric, sterid, stiped, stired, stoped, stoper, stored, strich, stride, stripe, stripy, strode, strych, strype, styred, sycite, sypher, syrtic, teiids, teioid, tepoys, tercio, theics, theirs, theody, theory, thirds, thoric, thorpe, thorps, threip, thrice, thrids, thrips, throed, throes, thrope, thyrse, thyrsi, tiches, tidier, tidies, tierod, tiroes, tishri, tocher, todies, toised, topers, tophes, topics, torchy, torics, toriis, torpid, toshed, tosher, toyers, toyish, trepid, triced, tricep, trices, trichi, trichy, tridii, triode, triops, triose, tripes, tripey, tripod, tripos, troche, trochi, trodes, troped, tropes, trophi, trophy, tropic, typhic, typier, tyroid, yirths

5 Letter Words for Spheroidicity

cedis, cedry, ceros, certs, certy, cesti, cheir, chert, chest, chide, chios, chips, chiro, chirp, chirt, chits, chode, choir, chops, chord, chore, chort, chose, cider, cides, cipro, cires, cirio, cited, citer, cites, coder, codes, coeds, coirs, coits, coped, copei, coper, copes, copis, copse, copsy, cords, cordy, cored, cores, corey, corps, corse, corsy, cosed, coset, cosey, cosie, coste, coted, cotes, cothe, coths, cothy, coyed, coyer, credo, creds, crept, crepy, crest, cried, cries, criey, cripe, crips, crise, crisp, crith, crits, crois, crops, crose, crost, crypt, cryst, cypre, cytes, decor, decos, decoy, decry, deist, deity, depit, depoh, depot, depth, deric, derth, desto, dheri, dhoti, dhoty, dicer, dices, dicey, dicht, dicot, dicts, dicty, diets, diety, diose, dioti, dipso, dipsy, dirts, dirty, disci, disco, dishy, distr, disty, ditch, diter, dites, ditsy, docht, doers, doest, doeth, doits, doper, dopes, dopey, dorey, doric, doris, dorps, dorse, dorsi, dorts, dorty, doseh, doser, doter, dotes, doyst, drest, dreys, drice, dries, drips, dript, droit, drops, dropt, dryth, dsect, dyers, ecoid, edict, edith, edits, eidos, eoith, ephod, ephoi, ephor, epics, epist, epoch, epris, erics, escot, escry, estoc, estop, estro, ethic, ethid, ethos, eyots, heids, heirs, heist, herds, herod, hider, hides, hiper, hired, hires, hirse, hirst, hoder, hoers, hoise, hoist, hoped, hoper, hopes, hopis, horde, horse, horst, hosed, hoser, hosey, hotei, hoyed, hydro, hyoid, hyped, hyper, hypes, hypos, hyrse, hyrst, icers, iched, iches, ichor, icier, idest, idiot, idite, idose, iodic, ireos, irido, irids, irish, isort, itchy, iters, ither, ocher, oches, ochry, ocyte, odist, ophic, ophir, opted, opter, optic, orpit, oside, osier, other, oyers, pechs, pecht, pecos, pedro, perch, perdy, peris, perit, perst, perth, perts, perty, pesto, pesty, petos, petri, petro, phies, phose, phots, pichi, picot, picry, piers, piert, piest, piets, piety, pioye, pioys, pirot, pisco, piste, pitch, piths, pithy, poche, poesy, poets, poire, poise, porch, pored, pores, poret, porte, ports, porty, posed, poser, posey, posit, potch, poted, poter, potes, potsy, poyse, preys, price, prich, pride, pridy, pried, pries, prods, prose, prost, prosy, prote, pryse, psych, pyche, pyets, pyoid, pyots, pyres, pyric, pyros, recip, recit, recpt, recti, recto, redip, redos, rehid, reich, reist, repic, repos, repot, resid, resit, resod, resty, retch, retip, rheic, rhies, rhody, riced, rices, ricey, riche, richt, rides, riots, riped, ripes, rishi, rites, rithe, roche, rodes, roist, roped, ropes, rosed, roset, roshi, rosit, rosti, rotch, roted, rotes, rotis, royet, royst, ryots, scope, score, scote, scrip, scrit, scrod, seity, sepic, sepoy, seric, serio, shice, shide, shied, shier, shipt, shire, shirt, shode, shope, shore, short, shote, shred, shrip, shyer, sicer, sicht, sider, sidhe, sidth, sieth, siped, siper, sipid, sired, sirih, siroc, sirop, sitch, sited, sithe, sitio, socht, socii, sodic, sophi, sophy, sored, sorty, sotie, spect, speir, spice, spicy, spide, spied, spier, spire, spiro, spiry, spite, spode, spore, sport, spred, spret, sprit, sprod, sprot, spyer, stchi, stech, steid, steri, stero, stich, stied, stipe, stipo, stire, stirp, stoep, stoic, stope, store, story, strep, strey, strid, strip, strop, stroy, styre, syped, sythe, techs, techy, tehrs, teiid, tepid, tepor, tepoy, theic, their, theor, theos, theyd, third, thore, thorp, those, thrid, thrip, throe, ticed, ticer, tices, tichy, tides, tiers, tipsy, tired, tires, tisic, toher, toise, toped, toper, topes, tophe, tophi, tophs, topic, topsy, torch, torcs, tored, tores, toric, torii, torse, tosed, toshy, toyed, toyer, treys, trice, tride, tried, tries, trios, tripe, trips, tripy, troch, trode, trods, troic, trois, trope, troys, tryps, tyche, tydie, tyers, typed, typer, types, typic, typos, tyros, yechs, yerds, yerth, yetis, yipes, yirds, yirth, yites, yodhs, yores, ypres

4 Letter Words for Spheroidicity

cedi, ceps, cero, cert, cest, ceti, cher, chip, chis, chit, chop, choy, chry, cide, cids, cipo, cire, cist, cite, cito, cits, city, code, cods, coed, coes, coir, coit, cope, copr, cops, copt, copy, cord, core, corp, cors, cort, cory, cose, cosh, cost, cote, coth, cots, coys, cred, cres, crip, cris, crit, croh, crop, croy, crpe, crts, cyst, cyte, dcor, deco, deis, depr, dept, dero, desc, desi, deti, deys, dice, dich, dict, dicy, dier, dies, diet, dioc, dips, dipt, dire, dirt, disc, dish, disp, dist, dite, dits, docs, doer, does, doit, dope, dops, dore, dorp, dors, dort, dory, dose, dosh, dost, dote, doth, dots, doty, drch, drey, drie, drip, droh, drop, drys, dsri, dyce, dyer, dyes, echo, echt, ecod, ecto, edhs, edit, eiry, epic, epit, epos, eric, eris, eros, ersh, erst, erth, esop, espy, etch, eths, etic, eyot, heid, heii, heir, heps, hept, herd, hero, herp, hers, hert, hery, hesp, hest, hets, heys, hics, hide, hidy, hied, hies, hipe, hips, hipt, hire, hiro, hist, hits, hodr, hods, hoed, hoer, hoes, hoey, hoit, hope, hopi, hops, hore, hors, hort, hory, hose, hosp, host, hote, hoti, hots, hoys, hyde, hyed, hyes, hype, hypo, hyps, hypt, hyte, iced, icer, ices, icho, ichs, icod, ideo, ides, idic, iocs, iode, ipid, ipse, ipso, ired, ires, irid, iris, irpe, ised, isth, itch, iter, itsy, oche, ochs, ocht, oder, odes, odic, oeci, ohed, opec, oped, opes, opsy, opts, orch, orcs, ords, ored, ores, orth, orts, otic, otis, oyer, oyes, pech, pecs, peds, peho, pehs, perh, peri, pers, pert, peso, pest, peto, pets, phis, phit, phos, phot, phys, pice, pich, pico, pics, pict, pied, pier, pies, piet, pioy, pirs, pise, pish, piso, pist, pith, pits, pity, pods, poet, pohs, pois, porc, pore, port, pory, pose, posh, post, posy, pote, poti, pots, prec, pred, pres, pret, prey, prie, prio, proc, prod, pros, prys, psec, psid, ptsd, pyes, pyet, pyic, pyot, pyre, pyro, rcpt, recd, recs, rect, redo, reds, rehs, reit, repo, reps, rept, resp, rest, retd, rets, rheo, rhet, rhos, rice, rich, ricy, ride, rids, ries, riot, ripe, rips, ript, risc, rise, risp, rist, rite, rits, roch, rocs, rode, rods, roed, roes, roey, roid, roit, rope, ropy, rose, rost, rosy, rotc, rote, roti, rots, royt, ryes, ryot, rype, scet, scho, scop, scot, scry, sctd, scye, scyt, sech, seco, sect, secy, seir, seit, seor, sepd, sept, sero, sert, seth, shed, sher, shet, ship, shir, shit, shod, shoe, shop, shor, shot, shpt, shri, sice, sich, side, sidh, sidi, sidy, sier, sipe, sire, siri, site, sith, siti, soce, sody, soir, sope, soph, sord, sore, sori, sort, sory, soth, spec, sped, spet, spic, spie, spit, spod, spor, spot, spry, sted, step, ster, stey, stid, stie, stir, stod, stop, stor, stre, syce, syed, sype, syph, syre, syrt, tche, tchr, tech, teds, tedy, tehr, terp, thed, they, thio, thir, this, thor, thos, thro, tice, tich, tics, tide, tidi, tids, tidy, tied, tier, ties, tipe, tips, tire, toch, tocs, tode, tods, tody, toed, toes, toey, tope, toph, topi, tops, torc, tore, tori, tors, tose, tosh, tosy, toys, tres, trey, trid, trie, trio, trip, trod, trop, troy, trye, tryp, tshi, tyde, tyed, tyer, tyes, type, typo, tyro, ycie, yech, yedo, yeps, yerd, yeso, yest, yeth, yeti, yids, yipe, yips, yird, yite, yode, yodh, yods, yore, yote

3 Letter Words for Spheroidicity

cdr, ceo, cep, cer, che, chi, cho, chs, cid, cie, cir, cis, cit, cod, cop, cor, cos, cot, coy, cpd, cpi, cpo, cpr, cps, cpt, cro, crs, crt, cry, csi, csp, cst, cte, cto, ctr, cts, cyp, dec, dei, dep, der, des, det, dey, die, dip, dir, dis, dit, doc, doe, dop, dor, dos, dot, dph, dpi, dpt, dry, dso, dsp, dsr, dye, dys, ech, eco, ect, edh, edo, edp, eds, ehs, eir, eos, epi, erd, ers, ert, esc, esd, esp, esr, est, etc, eth, ety, eyr, hed, hei, heo, hep, her, hes, het, hey, hic, hid, hie, hip, hir, his, hit, hoc, hod, hoe, hoi, hop, hor, hos, hot, hoy, hrs, hts, hyd, hye, hyp, ice, ich, icy, ide, ido, idp, ids, ihi, ihp, ihs, iii, ios, iph, ipo, ipr, ips, ire, irs, ise, ish, iso, ist, itd, its, iyo, och, oct, ode, ods, oer, oes, ohs, oie, oii, ois, ope, ops, opt, orc, ord, ore, ors, ort, ory, ose, osi, otc, oye, oys, pci, pct, pec, ped, peh, per, pes, pet, phd, phi, pho, phr, pht, pic, pid, pie, pir, pis, pit, pod, poh, poi, por, pos, pot, poy, prc, pre, pro, prs, pry, psi, pst, pte, pts, pty, pye, pyr, rcd, rct, rec, red, reh, rei, rep, res, rhd, rhe, rho, rhy, rid, rie, rio, rip, rit, roc, rod, roe, roi, ros, rot, rps, rpt, rte, rti, rye, scd, sch, sci, scr, sct, sec, sed, sei, sep, ser, set, sey, she, shi, sho, shp, shr, sht, shy, sic, sie, sip, sir, sit, soc, sod, sop, sot, soy, spt, spy, sri, std, str, sty, sye, syr, tch, tcp, tdr, tec, ted, ter, tes, thd, the, tho, thy, tic, tid, tie, tip, tis, toc, tod, toe, toi, top, tor, tos, toy, tpd, tph, tpi, tps, tri, trp, trs, try, tsh, tsi, tsp, tye, typ, tyr, yds, yed, yeh, yeo, yep, yer, yes, yet, yid, yip, yis, yod, yoe, yoi, yor, yos, yot, yrs

Definitions for Spheroidicity

[1] a spheroidal state or form.
[2] the state or form of being spheroidal

Words nearby Spheroidicity

spherocyte, spherocytic anemia, spherocytosis, spheroid, spheroidal, spheroidicity, spherometer, spherophakia, spheroplast, spherule, spherulite

Origin of Spheroidicity

First recorded in 1850–55; spheroid + -ic + -ity