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Showing words for SPIEL using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Spiel

lipse, piles, pleis, plies, slipe, speil, spiel, spile

4 Letter Words for Spiel

epil, ipse, isle, leis, leps, lies, lipe, lips, lisp, pies, pile, pise, plie, seil, sile, sipe, slip, spie

3 Letter Words for Spiel

eli, els, epi, esp, ile, ipl, ips, ise, isl, lei, lep, les, lie, lip, lis, pel, pes, pie, pil, pis, pli, psi, sei, sel, sep, sie, sil, sip, sle, spl

Definitions for Spiel

[1] a usually high-flown talk or speech, especially for the purpose of luring people to a movie, a sale, etc.; pitch.
[2] to speak extravagantly.
[3] a glib plausible style of talk, associated esp with salesmen
[4] (intr) to deliver a prepared spiel
[5] (tr usually foll by off ) to recite (a prepared oration)

Words related to Spiel

jabber, line, chatter, pitch, jive

Words nearby Spiel

spiderweb, spiderwood, spiderwort, spidery, spiegeleisen, spiel, spielberg, spielberg, steven, spieler, spielmeyer-vogt disease, spier

Origin of Spiel

1890–95; (noun) < German Spiel or Yiddish shpil play, game; (v.) < German spielen or Yiddish shpiln to play, gamble

Word origin for Spiel

C19: from German Spiel play

Synonyms for Spiel

song and dance, chatter, jabber, jive, line, pitch, empty talk, sales talk