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Showing words for SPIKY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Spiky
4 Letter Words for Spiky
3 Letter Words for Spiky
Definitions for Spiky
[1] having a spike or spikes.
[2] having the form of a spike; spikelike.
[3] acid or peevish in temper or mood; prickly.
[4] resembling a spike
[5] having a spike or spikes
[6] British informal ill-tempered
[7] characterized by violent or aggressive methods spiky protestors
Words related to Spiky
opinionated, belligerent, combative, contentious, acute, pointed, prickly, biting, nasty, annoying, caustic, keen, salient, fine, tapering, eristic, contrary, gnawing, jagged
Words nearby Spiky
spike-tooth harrow, spikedace, spikelet, spikenard, spiker, spiky, spile, spiling, spill, spill over, spill the beans
Origin of Spiky
First recorded in 1570–80; spike1 + -y1
Other words from Spiky
spik·i·ly , adverb
spik·i·ness , noun
Synonyms for Spiky
belligerent, combative, contentious, opinionated, contrary, controversial, disputatious, factious, fire-eating, having a chip on one's shoulder, litigious, pugnacious, quarrelsome, salty, scrappy, touchy