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Showing words for SPILE using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Spile
4 Letter Words for Spile
3 Letter Words for Spile
Definitions for Spile
[1] a peg or plug of wood, especially one used as a spigot.
[2] a spout for conducting sap from the sugar maple.
[3] a heavy wooden stake or pile.
[4] Mining . forepole.
[5] to stop up (a hole) with a spile or peg.
[6] to furnish with a spigot or spout, as for drawing off a liquid.
[7] to tap by means of a spile.
[8] to furnish, strengthen, or support with spiles or piles.
[9] spoil.
[10] a heavy timber stake or pile
[11] US and Canadian a spout for tapping sap from the sugar maple tree
[12] a plug or spigot
[13] to provide or support with a spile
[14] US to tap (a tree) with a spile
[15] Northern English dialect a splinter
Words related to Spile
nozzle, valve, plug, vent, stopper, tap, spout, outlet, stopple
Words nearby Spile
spikedace, spikelet, spikenard, spiker, spiky, spile, spiling, spill, spill over, spill the beans, spillage
Origin of Spile
11505–15; < Middle Dutch or Middle Low German spile splinter, peg; cognate with German Speil
Word origin for Spile
C16: probably from Middle Dutch spile peg; related to Icelandic spila skewer, Latin spīna thorn
Synonyms for Spile
nozzle, valve, outlet, plug, spout, stopper, stopple, tap, vent