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Showing words for SPINE using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Spine

insep, penis, pines, snipe, spine

4 Letter Words for Spine

insp, ipse, neps, nies, nips, peni, pens, pien, pies, pine, pins, pise, sepn, sien, sine, sipe, snip, spie, spin

3 Letter Words for Spine

ens, epi, esp, ins, ips, ise, isn, nei, nep, nie, nip, nis, pen, pes, pie, pin, pis, psi, sei, sen, sep, sie, sin, sip

Definitions for Spine

[1] the spinal or vertebral column; backbone.
[2] any backbonelike part.
[3] a stiff, pointed process or appendage on an animal, as a quill of a porcupine, or a sharp, bony ray in the fin of a fish.
[4] something, as a quality or trait, that constitutes a principal strength; resolution; stamina; backbone: a situation that would test a person's spine.
[5] a ridge, as of ground or rock.
[6] a sharp-pointed, hard or woody outgrowth on a plant; thorn.
[7] Bookbinding . the back of a book cover or binding, usually indicating the title and author.
[8] the spinal column
[9] the sharply pointed tip or outgrowth of a leaf, stem, etc
[10] zoology a hard pointed process or structure, such as the ray of a fin, the quill of a porcupine, or the ridge on a bone
[11] the back of a book, record sleeve, etc
[12] a ridge, esp of a hill
[13] strength of endurance, will, etc
[14] anything resembling the spinal column in function or importance; main support or feature

Words related to Spine

vertebrae, bone, ridge, back, rachis, chine

Words nearby Spine

spindlelegs, spindleshanks, spindling, spindly, spindrift, spine, spine of scapula, spine-bashing, spine-chiller, spine-chilling, spine-tingling

Origin of Spine

1400–50; late Middle English < Latin spīna thorn, backbone

Other words from Spine

spined , adjective
spine·like , adjective
spinal adjective

Word origin for Spine

C14: from Old French espine spine, from Latin spīna thorn, backbone

Synonyms for Spine

bone, vertebrae, back, chine, rachis, ridge, spinal column, vertebral column