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Showing words for SPLASH using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Splash
5 Letter Words for Splash
4 Letter Words for Splash
3 Letter Words for Splash
Definitions for Splash
[1] to wet or soil by dashing masses or particles of water, mud, or the like; spatter: Don't splash her dress!
[2] to fall upon (something) in scattered masses or particles, as a liquid does.
[3] to cause to appear spattered.
[4] to dash (water, mud, etc.) about in scattered masses or particles.
[5] to make (one's way) with splashing: He splashed his way across the pool.
[6] Logging . to move (logs) by releasing a body of water from a splash dam.
[7] to dash a liquid or semiliquid substance about.
[8] to fall, move, or strike with a splash or splashes.
[9] (of liquid) to dash with force in scattered masses or particles.
[10] the act of splashing.
[11] the sound of splashing.
[12] a quantity of some liquid or semiliquid substance splashed upon or in a thing.
[13] a spot caused by something splashed.
[14] a patch, as of color or light.
[15] Logging . the act of splashing logs. water released, as from a splash dam, for splashing logs.
[16] a striking show or impression.
[17] splash down . See entry at splash down.
[18] to scatter (liquid) about in blobs; spatter
[19] to descend or cause to descend upon in blobs he splashed his jacket
[20] to make (one's way) by or as if by splashing he splashed through the puddle
[21] (tr) to print (a story or photograph) prominently in a newspaper
[22] an instance or sound of splashing
[23] an amount splashed
[24] a patch created by or as if by splashing a splash of colour
[25] informal an extravagant display, usually for effect (esp in the phrase make a splash )
[26] a small amount of soda water, water, etc, added to an alcoholic drink
Words related to Splash
dash, sensation, drench, bathe, sprinkle, slosh, soak, paddle, spray, drown, spatter, douse, wet, wade, squirt, strew, slop, splurge, burst, effect
Words nearby Splash
splanchnoptosis, splanchnosclerosis, splanchnoskeletal, splanchnoskeleton, splanchnotribe, splash, splash dam, splash down, splash erosion, splash guard, splash out
Origin of Splash
First recorded in 1705–15; perhaps alteration of plash1
Other words from Splash
splash·ing·ly , adverb
un·splashed , adjective
Word origin for Splash
C18: alteration of plash 1
Synonyms for Splash
dash, sensation, burst, display, effect, patch, splurge, stir, touch