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Showing words for SPLAY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Splay
4 Letter Words for Splay
3 Letter Words for Splay
Definitions for Splay
[1] to spread out, expand, or extend.
[2] to form with an oblique angle; make slanting; bevel.
[3] to make with a splay or splays.
[4] to disjoin; dislocate.
[5] to have an oblique or slanting direction.
[6] to spread or flare.
[7] Architecture . a surface that makes an oblique angle with another, as where the opening through a wall for a window or door widens from the window or door proper toward the face of the wall.
[8] spread out; wide and flat; turned outward.
[9] clumsy or awkward.
[10] oblique or awry.
[11] spread out; broad and flat
[12] turned outwards in an awkward manner
[13] to spread out; turn out or expand
[14] (tr) vet science to dislocate (a joint)
[15] a surface of a wall that forms an oblique angle to the main flat surfaces, esp at a doorway or window opening
[16] enlargement
Words related to Splay
hulking, unwieldy, ungainly, full, ample, broad, loose, deep, far-reaching, large, immense, spacious, extensive, vast, expanded, expansive, generous, bulky, inept, ponderous
Words nearby Splay
splat, splatter, splatter film, splatter movie, splatterpunk, splay, splayd, splayfoot, spleen, spleenful, spleenwort
Origin of Splay
1300–50; Middle English; aphetic form of display
Other words from Splay
un·splayed , adjective
Word origin for Splay
C14: short for display
Synonyms for Splay
hulking, ungainly, unwieldy, blundering, bovine, bumbling, clunking, halting, heavy, overgrown, clodhopping, elephantine, gauche, gawky, heavy-footed, inept, klutzy, lead-footed, lumpish, maladroit, ponderous, two left feet, unhandy, wooden