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Showing words for SPOTTY using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Spotty
spotty, typtos
5 Letter Words for Spotty
potsy, potts, potty, pyots, stopt, topsy, typos, typto, ytost
4 Letter Words for Spotty
opsy, opts, post, posy, pots, pott, ptts, pyot, spot, stop, stot, tops, tosy, tots, toty, toys, typo, tyto
3 Letter Words for Spotty
ops, opt, oys, pos, pot, poy, pst, pts, ptt, pty, sop, sot, soy, spt, spy, sty, top, tos, tot, toy, tps, tsp, tst, tty, typ, tyt, yos, yot
Definitions for Spotty
[1] full of, having, or occurring in spots: spotty coloring.
[2] irregular or uneven in quality or character: a spotty performance.
[3] abounding in or characterized by spots or marks, esp on the skin a spotty face
[4] not consistent or uniform; irregular or uneven, often in quality
Words related to Spotty
patchy, uneven, erratic, sporadic, desultory, flickering, spasmodic, unequal, fluctuating, pimply
Words nearby Spotty
spotted tail, spotted wilt, spotted wintergreen, spotter, spottie, spotty, spousal, spouse, spout, spout cup, spouted
Origin of Spotty
Middle English word dating back to 1300–50; see origin at spot, -y1
Other words from Spotty
spot·ti·ly , adverb
spot·ti·ness , noun
Synonyms for Spotty
erratic, patchy, sporadic, uneven, desultory, flickering, fluctuating, not uniform, on-again-off-again, pimply, spasmodic, unequal