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Showing words for SPRAYED using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Sprayed
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5 Letter Words for Sprayed
4 Letter Words for Sprayed
3 Letter Words for Sprayed
Definitions for Sprayed
[1] water or other liquid broken up into minute droplets and blown, ejected into, or falling through the air.
[2] a jet of fine particles of liquid, as medicine, insecticide, paint, perfume, etc., discharged from an atomizer or other device for direct application to a surface.
[3] a liquid to be discharged or applied in such a jet.
[4] an apparatus or device for discharging such a liquid.
[5] a quantity of small objects, flying or discharged through the air: a spray of shattered glass.
[6] to scatter in the form of fine particles.
[7] to apply as a spray: to spray an insecticide on plants.
[8] to sprinkle or treat with a spray: to spray plants with insecticide.
[9] to direct a spray of particles, missiles, etc., upon: to spray the mob with tear gas.
[10] to scatter spray; discharge a spray: The hose sprayed over the flowers.
[11] to issue as spray: The water sprayed from the hose.
[12] a single, slender shoot, twig, or branch with its leaves, flowers, or berries.
[13] a group or bunch of cut flowers, leafy twigs, etc., arranged decoratively and for display, as in a vase.
[14] an ornament having a similar form.
[15] fine particles of a liquid
[16] a liquid, such as perfume, paint, etc, designed to be discharged from an aerosol or atomizer hair spray the aerosol or atomizer itself
[17] a quantity of small objects flying through the air a spray of bullets
[18] to scatter (liquid) in the form of fine particles
[19] to discharge (a liquid) from an aerosol or atomizer
[20] (tr) to treat or bombard with a spray to spray the lawn
[21] a single slender shoot, twig, or branch that bears buds, leaves, flowers, or berries, either growing on or detached from a plant
[22] a small decorative bouquet or corsage of flowers and foliage
[23] a piece of jewellery designed to resemble a spray of flowers, leaves, etc
Words related to Sprayed
sprayaerosol, sprinkler, shoot, smear, drizzle, shower, splash, dust, squirt, scatter, froth, fog, moisture, duster, spindrift, atomizer, vaporizer, atomize, spatter, spritz
Words nearby Sprayed
spraysprat, spratly islands, sprattle, sprawl, sprawly, spray, spray can, spray gun, spray millet, spray paint, spray skirt
Origin of Sprayed
21250–1300; Middle English; akin to sprag1
Other words from Sprayed
spray·a·ble , adjective
spray·a·bil·i·ty , noun
spray·er , noun
spray·less , adjective
spray·like , adjective
un·spray·a·ble , adjective
un·sprayed , adjective
well-sprayed , adjective
spray·like , adjective
Word origin for Sprayed
C13: of Germanic origin; compare Old English sprǣc young shoot, Old Norse sprek brittle wood, Old High German sprahhula splinter
Synonyms for Sprayed
drizzle, dust, scatter, shoot, shower, smear, splash, squirt, atomize, spatter, spritz, throw around