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Showing words for SPRUCE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Spruce
5 Letter Words for Spruce
4 Letter Words for Spruce
3 Letter Words for Spruce
Definitions for Spruce
[1] any evergreen, coniferous tree of the genus Picea, of the pine family, having short, angular, needle-shaped leaves attached singly around twigs and bearing hanging cones with persistent scales.
[2] any of various allied trees, as the Douglas fir and the hemlock spruce.
[3] the wood of any such tree.
[4] made from the wood of a spruce tree or trees.
[5] containing or abounding in spruce trees.
[6] trim in dress or appearance; neat; smart; dapper.
[7] to make spruce or smart (often followed by up ): Spruce up the children before the company comes.
[8] to make oneself spruce (usually followed by up ).
[9] any coniferous tree of the N temperate genus Picea, cultivated for timber and for ornament: family Pinaceae. They grow in a pyramidal shape and have needle-like leaves and light-coloured wood See also Norway spruce, blue spruce, white spruce, black spruce
[10] the wood of any of these trees
[11] neat, smart, and trim
Words related to Spruce
trim, prim, tidy, clean, dainty, smart, classy, dapper, elegant, well-groomed
Words nearby Spruce
sprocket, sprocket hole, sprog, sprout, spruance, spruce, spruce beer, spruce beetle, spruce budworm, spruce gall aphid, spruce grouse
Origin of Spruce
21580–90; obsolete spruce jerkin orig., jerkin made of spruce leather, i.e., leather imported from Prussia (see spruce1), hence fine, smart, etc.
Other words from Spruce
spruce·ly , adverb
spruce·ness , noun
un·spruced , adjective
Word origin for Spruce
C16: perhaps from Spruce leather a fashionable leather imported from Prussia; see spruce 1
Synonyms for Spruce
clean, dainty, prim, smart, tidy, trim, classy, dapper, elegant, well-groomed