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Showing words for SQUIRREL using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Squirrel
7 Letter Words for Squirrel
6 Letter Words for Squirrel
5 Letter Words for Squirrel
4 Letter Words for Squirrel
3 Letter Words for Squirrel
Definitions for Squirrel
[1] any of numerous arboreal, bushy-tailed rodents of the genus Sciurus, of the family Sciuridae.
[2] any of various other members of the family Sciuridae, as the chipmunks, flying squirrels, and woodchucks.
[3] the meat of such an animal.
[4] the pelt or fur of such an animal: a coat trimmed with squirrel.
[5] to store or hide (money, valuables, etc.), usually for the future (often followed by away ): I've squirreled away a few dollars for an emergency.
[6] any arboreal sciurine rodent of the genus Sciurus , such as S. vulgaris (red squirrel ) or S. carolinensis (grey squirrel ), having a bushy tail and feeding on nuts, seeds, etc Related adjective: sciurine
[7] any other rodent of the family Sciuridae , such as a ground squirrel or a marmot
[8] the fur of such an animal
[9] informal a person who hoards things
[10] (tr usually foll by away ) informal to store for future use; hoard
Words related to Squirrel
save, treasure, hide, collect, gather, stash, garner, cache, stockpile, deposit, keep, store, acquire, amass, scrimp
Words nearby Squirrel
squiredom, squireen, squireling, squirm, squirmy, squirrel, squirrel away, squirrel cage, squirrel corn, squirrel monkey, squirrel's-foot fern
Origin of Squirrel
1325–75; Middle English squirel < Anglo-French escuirel (Old French escuireul ) ≪ Vulgar Latin *scūrellus, *scūriolus, representing Latin sciurus (< Greek skíouros literally, shadow-tailed (ski(á ) shadow + -ouros, adj. derivative of ourá tail); apparently so called because the tail was large enough to provide shade for the rest of the animal) with diminutive suffixes -ellus, -olus
Other words from Squirrel
squir·rel·ish , squir·rel·like , adjective
Word origin for Squirrel
C14: from Old French esquireul , from Late Latin sciūrus , from Greek skiouros , from skia shadow + oura tail
Synonyms for Squirrel
cache, collect, deposit, garner, gather, hide, keep, save, stash, stockpile, store, treasure, acquire, amass, buy up, lay away, lay up, pile up, put aside for rainy day, put by, scrimp, sock away, stow away