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Showing words for STASH using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Stash


4 Letter Words for Stash

asst, hast, hats, sash, tash, tass

3 Letter Words for Stash

ahs, ash, ass, ast, has, hat, hts, sah, sat, sha, sht, ssh, sta, tas, tha, tsh, tss

Definitions for Stash

[1] to put by or away as for safekeeping or future use, usually in a secret place (usually followed by away ): The squirrel stashes away nuts for winter.
[2] something put away or hidden: a stash of gold coins buried in the garden.
[3] a place in which something is stored secretly; hiding place; cache.
[4] Slang . a supply of hidden drugs.
[5] (tr often foll by away ) informal to put or store (money, valuables, etc) in a secret place, as for safekeeping
[6] informal a secret store or the place where this is hidden
[7] slang drugs kept for personal consumption

Words related to Stash

stockpile, inventory, cache, trove, conceal, disguise, bury, smuggle, secrete, amass, hide, collect, deposit, abundance, cumulation, wealth, agglomeration, supply, conglomeration, reservoir

Words nearby Stash

starvation wages, starve, starveling, starwort, stary oskol, stash, stashie, stasi, stasidion, stasimon, stasis

Origin of Stash

1775–85; blend of stow and cache

Word origin for Stash

C20: origin unknown

Synonyms for Stash

cache, inventory, nest egg, stockpile, trove, abundance, accumulation, agglomeration, aggregation, backlog, collection, conglomeration, cumulation, fund, garner, heap, mass, pile, reserve, reservoir, riches, stock, store, supply, treasure, wealth, amassment, treasure-trove