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Showing words for STAT using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Stat
3 Letter Words for Stat
Definitions for Stat
[1] Also 'stat. thermostat.
[2] photostat.
[3] statistic.
[4] Usually stats . statistics.
[5] of, relating to, or containing statistics: Some sports fans memorize all the stat sheets published about a team.
[6] immediately.
[7] (in prescriptions) immediately.
[8] statuary.
[9] statue.
[10] statute.
[11] a combining form used in the names of devices that stabilize or make constant what is specified by the initial element: thermostat; rheostat.
[12] (in prescriptions) immediately
[13] stationary
[14] statute
[15] indicating a device that causes something to remain stationary or constant thermostat
Words related to Stat
likeness, clone, miniature, facsimile, imitation, reproduction, model, copy, picture, photograph, replication, photocopy, recreation, propagation, replica, print, breeding, data, stats, poll
Words nearby Stat
stasimon, stasis, stasis dermatitis, stasis eczema, stassen, stat, stat., statampere, statant, statcoulomb, state
Origin of Stat
-stat< Greek -statēs, equivalent to sta- (stem of histánai to make stand; see stand) + -tēs agent noun suffix
Word origin for Stat
-statfrom Greek -statēs , from histanai to cause to stand