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Showing words for STERILE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Sterile
6 Letter Words for Sterile
5 Letter Words for Sterile
4 Letter Words for Sterile
3 Letter Words for Sterile
Definitions for Sterile
[1] free from living germs or microorganisms; aseptic: sterile surgical instruments.
[2] incapable of producing offspring; not producing offspring.
[3] barren; not producing vegetation: sterile soil.
[4] Botany . noting a plant in which reproductive structures fail to develop. bearing no stamens or pistils.
[5] not productive of results, ideas, etc.; fruitless.
[6] unable to produce offspring; infertile
[7] free from living, esp pathogenic, microorganisms; aseptic
[8] (of plants or their parts) not producing or bearing seeds, fruit, spores, stamens, or pistils
[9] lacking inspiration or vitality; fruitless
[10] economics , US (of gold) not being used to support credit creation or an increased money supply
Words related to Sterile
hygienic, desolate, arid, impotent, barren, antiseptic, infertile, bleak, futile, aseptic, bare, dead, desert, dry, effete, empty, fallow, fruitless, gaunt, sanitary
Words nearby Sterile
stereovision, steric, steric hindrance, sterigma, sterilant, sterile, sterile cyst, sterilization, sterilize, sterilizer, sterlet
Origin of Sterile
First recorded in 1545–55, sterile is from the Latin word sterilis unfruitful
Words that may be confused with Sterile
impetus, impotence, sterility, impotence, sterility, sterilized
Other words from Sterile
ster·ile·ly , adverb
ste·ril·i·ty [stuh -ril -i-tee] /stəˈrɪl ɪ ti/ , ster·ile·ness , noun
an·ti·ste·ril·i·ty , adjective
half-ster·ile , adjective
non·ster·ile , adjective
non·ster·ile·ly , adverb
non·ste·ril·i·ty , noun
un·ster·ile , adjective
ster′ ile•ness null n.
sterility noun (stə-rĭl′ ĭ-tē )
Word origin for Sterile
C16: from Latin sterilis
Synonyms for Sterile
antiseptic, arid, barren, bleak, desolate, futile, hygienic, impotent, infertile, aseptic, bare, dead, decontaminated, desert, disinfected, dry, effete, empty, fallow, fruitless, gaunt, germ-free, infecund, pasteurized, sanitary, septic, sterilized, unfruitful, uninfected, unprofitable, unprolific, vain, waste, without issue