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Showing words for STERN using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Stern
4 Letter Words for Stern
3 Letter Words for Stern
Definitions for Stern
[1] firm, strict, or uncompromising: stern discipline.
[2] hard, harsh, or severe: a stern reprimand.
[3] rigorous or austere; of an unpleasantly serious character: stern times.
[4] grim or forbidding in aspect: a stern face.
[5] the after part of a vessel (often opposed to stem ).
[6] the back or rear of anything.
[7] (initial capital letter ) Astronomy . the constellation Puppis.
[8] Fox Hunting . the tail of a hound.
[9] Isaac, 1920–2001, U.S. violinist, born in Russia.
[10] Otto, 1888–1969, U.S. physicist, born in Germany: Nobel prize 1943.
[11] variant of sterno- before a vowel: sternite.
[12] showing uncompromising or inflexible resolve; firm, strict, or authoritarian
[13] lacking leniency or clemency; harsh or severe
[14] relentless; unyielding the stern demands of parenthood
[15] having an austere or forbidding appearance or nature
[16] the rear or after part of a vessel, opposite the bow or stem
[17] the rear part of any object
[18] the tail of certain breeds of dog, such as the foxhound or beagle
[19] relating to or located at the stern
[20] Isaac. 1920–2001, US concert violinist, born in (what is now) Ukraine
Words related to Stern
tough, harsh, flinty, hard-nosed, strict, rigid, grim, steely, forbidding, rough, astringent, bitter, ascetic, austere, bullheaded, cruel, disciplinary, dyed-in-the-wool, hard, hard-boiled
Words nearby Stern
sterling area, sterling bloc, sterling heights, sterling silver, sterlitamak, stern, stern chaser, stern drive, stern sheets, stern, isaac, stern-
Origin of Stern
21250–1300; Middle English sterne, probably < Old Norse stjōrn steering (done aft; see sternpost)
Other words from Stern
stern·ly , adverb
stern·ness , noun
Word origin for Stern
C13: from Old Norse stjōrn steering; see steer 1
Synonyms for Stern
flinty, grim, hard-nosed, harsh, rigid, steely, strict, tough, ascetic, astringent, bitter, forbidding, rough, austere, bullheaded, by the book, cruel, disciplinary, dyed-in-the-wool, frowning, hang-tough, hard, hard-boiled, hard-core, hard-line, hard-shell, hardheaded, implacable, inexorable, inflexible, mortified, mulish, relentless, rigorous, severe, stiff-necked, stubborn, unrelenting, unsparing, unyielding