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Showing words for STEWARDSHIP using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Stewardship


10 Letter Words for Stewardship

dishwaters, therapsids

9 Letter Words for Stewardship

dishwares, dishwater, phrasiest, shipwards, sidepaths, swardiest, tarsipeds, therapsid, wardships, whipsters

8 Letter Words for Stewardship

airsheds, asterids, dashiest, despairs, diasters, diphaser, dipteras, disaster, disheart, dishware, disparts, disrates, hairsted, hardiest, harpists, harpwise, hipsters, parished, parishes, pastries, peishwas, perissad, piasters, piratess, pisshead, pitheads, radishes, raphides, rapidest, raspiest, rawhides, ripsawed, sephardi, shadiest, shapiest, sharpest, sharpies, sharpite, sheriats, shiprade, shipward, sidepath, sidewash, siwashed, sparthes, spirated, starship, starwise, stewards, strawish, swadeshi, swartish, swashier, swathers, swathier, swithers, tapisser, tarsiped, tawdries, thripses, traipsed, traipses, triphase, trishaws, tsarship, waisters, waitress, wardship, wareship, warships, washiest, waspiest, wastries, waterish, whipster, whispers, wiretaps, withspar

7 Letter Words for Stewardship

adpress, airshed, airthed, apeshit, aphesis, aphides, aphrite, apsides, aridest, arishes, artsies, ashiest, aspired, aspires, asterid, astride, aswithe, awriest, darwesh, dashers, dashier, dawties, dearths, departs, despair, diapers, diasper, diaster, diphase, diptera, dipware, dispart, disrate, disrest, disseat, dissert, dithers, drapets, esprits, hairsts, hardest, hardies, hardset, harpies, harpist, hastier, hatreds, hatress, hawsers, heptads, hipster, iwearth, pardesi, paresis, parises, partied, parties, pasters, pastier, pasties, patsies, pawdite, peishwa, persist, pertish, peshwas, petards, petsais, phasers, phrased, phrases, piaster, pirated, pirates, pithead, pitsaws, praised, praises, praties, presaid, prewash, priests, prissed, pristaw, pshawed, raphide, rapists, rashest, raspish, raspite, rawhide, repasts, reships, restiad, ripsaws, saidest, sairest, saithes, satires, sawders, sawpits, sephira, seraphs, serapis, seriphs, serphid, sestiad, setarid, shaders, shadier, shairds, shapers, shapier, sharped, sharpie, shaster, shastri, shepard, sherias, sheriat, sherpas, shirted, sitreps, spaders, spadish, sparest, sparids, sparthe, sparths, spathed, spathes, sphaers, sphears, spiders, spirate, spireas, spraith, spreads, spreath, spriest, sprites, staider, staired, stashed, stashie, steward, stewish, stirpes, strawed, strides, striped, stripes, swarths, swashed, swasher, swathed, swather, swathes, sweards, swedish, swertia, swipers, swished, swisher, swither, taishes, tapiser, tapises, tardies, tawpies, teadish, tephras, thawers, thawier, thrawed, threads, threaps, tiphead, tirades, tirasse, traipse, trapish, trashed, trashes, traship, tripses, trishaw, wadsets, waisted, waister, waiters, wardite, wariest, warship, warsted, washers, washier, waspier, waspies, waspish, wasters, wastier, wastrie, wearish, whatsis, whisper, whissed, whisted, whister, wiretap, wisards, wishers, withers, wraithe, wraiths, wrasted, wrathed, wreaths, wristed, writhed, writhes

6 Letter Words for Stewardship

adepts, aiders, airest, airted, airths, aphids, ardish, arised, arises, ariste, arties, ashets, ashier, ashpit, asides, aspers, aspide, aspire, aspish, assert, asseth, assith, asters, awrist, daises, dasher, dashes, dashis, dassie, daters, dawish, dawtie, deairs, dearth, deaths, dehair, deists, depair, depart, depass, depths, derats, derths, desist, dewars, diaper, dipsas, dipter, direst, disert, disher, dishes, dispar, dister, dither, drapes, drapet, driest, eadish, earths, epitra, esprit, essart, haired, hairse, hairst, hardie, harped, hasped, hasted, haster, hastes, haters, hatred, hawsed, hawser, hawses, heards, hearst, hearts, heasts, heists, hepars, heptad, hestia, hiders, hissed, hisser, histed, hister, irades, ishtar, padres, paired, paires, pardie, paries, pariet, parish, parsed, parses, parted, partes, partie, partis, pashed, pashes, passed, passer, passir, pasted, paster, pastes, pastie, pastis, patesi, pathed, patise, pawers, pearst, perais, perdit, perish, persia, persis, peshwa, pestis, petard, petars, petsai, pewits, phares, phased, phaser, phases, phasis, phrase, piedra, pierst, pietas, pirate, pished, pishes, pissed, pisser, pistes, pithed, pithes, pitsaw, praise, praiss, prases, prated, prates, pratie, presaw, prests, prides, priest, pshaws, pteria, pteris, radish, raised, raises, raited, raphes, raphis, rapide, rapids, rapist, rashed, rashes, rasped, raspis, rathed, rawest, rawish, reasts, redias, redips, redipt, reists, repaid, repass, repast, resaid, resaws, reship, resids, resist, resits, restis, rethaw, rewash, rewish, rewths, rhapis, rhedas, rhesis, ripest, ripsaw, risped, sadhes, sadist, saidst, saired, saithe, saiths, saphie, sashed, satire, sawder, sawers, sawish, sawpit, sdeath, sepads, sepias, sepsid, serais, seraph, seriph, sestia, sewars, shader, shades, shaird, shaped, shaper, shapes, shards, shared, shares, sharps, shawed, sheard, shears, sheria, sherpa, shiers, shiest, shires, shirts, shited, shrape, shreds, shrewd, shrews, shride, shrite, siders, sidest, sidhas, siesta, sieths, sipers, sirpea, sisted, sister, sistra, sitars, sithed, sithes, sitrep, siwash, spader, spades, spaers, spahis, spaits, spared, spares, sparid, sparse, sparth, sparts, spated, spates, spathe, spears, speats, speirs, sperst, sphaer, sphear, spider, spiers, spirae, spirea, spired, spires, spited, spites, spraid, sprats, spread, spreds, sprews, spried, sprite, sprits, stader, stades, stadie, stairs, stapes, staphs, stared, stares, stawed, steads, steard, stears, sterad, sterid, stipas, stiped, stipes, stired, stires, stirps, strade, strads, straes, straps, straws, streps, strews, striae, stride, strids, stripe, strips, swaird, swards, swarth, swathe, swaths, sweard, swears, sweath, sweats, sweirt, swiped, swiper, swipes, swires, swithe, tapers, tapirs, tarish, tasers, tashed, tashes, tashie, tasser, tassie, tawers, tawhid, tawier, tawpie, tawsed, tawses, teaish, tephra, terais, teraph, terass, thapes, thawed, thawer, theirs, therap, thesis, thirds, thraep, thraws, thread, threip, thrids, thrips, tirade, tiswas, trades, traped, trapes, treads, trepid, tresis, triads, tripes, trisha, tsades, tsadis, twerps, twiers, twired, waders, wadies, wadset, waired, wairsh, waists, waited, waiter, waites, waried, warish, warped, warsts, warted, washed, washer, washes, waspie, wassie, wasted, waster, wastes, waters, wather, weirds, whares, whatre, wheats, whists, whited, whiter, whites, widest, widths, wipers, wisard, wisest, wished, wisher, wishes, wisped, wissed, wisshe, wisted, wister, witess, withed, wither, withes, wraist, wraith, wrasse, wrasts, wraths, wreath, wrests, wrihte, wrists, writes, writhe

5 Letter Words for Stewardship

adeps, adept, adits, adret, adrip, aesir, aider, aides, aired, airth, airts, apers, apert, aphid, aphis, apish, apres, apses, apsid, apsis, apted, apter, arest, arets, aries, arise, arish, arist, arite, arith, arsed, arsis, artsd, ashed, asher, ashes, ashet, ashir, aside, asper, aspis, assed, asset, aster, astir, astre, atrip, awest, awhet, awhir, awide, dairt, dares, daris, darst, darts, dashi, dasht, dater, dates, datsw, dawts, deair, dears, deash, death, deaws, deist, depas, depit, depth, derah, derat, derth, dessa, detar, dewar, dheri, diets, dirts, disas, distr, ditas, diter, dites, drape, draps, drate, drats, draws, dress, drest, drias, dries, drips, dript, eards, earsh, earst, earth, easts, edith, edits, ephas, epist, epris, ethid, etwas, hades, hadit, hadst, haire, hairs, hards, hared, hares, harps, harst, harts, hasid, hasps, haste, hated, hater, hates, hawed, hawer, hawse, heads, heaps, heard, hears, heart, heast, heats, heids, heirs, heist, hepar, herds, hesps, hests, hiate, hider, hides, hiera, hiper, hired, hires, hirse, hirst, hists, ideas, idest, ideta, irade, irate, ishes, iters, ither, padis, padre, padri, paire, pairs, pairt, paise, parde, pardi, pards, pared, pares, paris, parse, parsi, parte, parti, parts, pases, pasis, passe, paste, pasts, pated, pates, paths, pawed, pawer, pears, peart, peats, perai, peris, perit, perst, perth, perts, pesah, pests, petar, petas, petri, pewit, phaet, phare, phase, phews, phies, piers, piert, piest, pieta, piets, piste, pitas, piths, prads, prase, prate, prats, presa, press, preta, pride, pried, pries, priss, pshaw, rahed, raids, raise, raits, raped, rapes, raphe, rapid, rasps, rasse, rated, rates, rathe, raths, reads, reais, reaps, reast, redia, redip, rehid, reist, repad, repas, resat, resaw, resid, resit, rests, retia, retip, rewth, rheas, rheda, rhies, rides, riped, ripes, rises, risps, rissa, rites, rithe, sades, sadhe, sadis, saids, sairs, saist, saith, sapid, sapir, sapit, sards, sared, sarip, saris, sated, sates, satis, sawed, sawer, sears, seats, seirs, sepad, sepia, septa, septs, serai, seraw, serta, sesti, sewar, shade, shads, shape, shaps, shard, share, sharp, shaws, shear, sheas, sheat, sheds, shets, shewa, shews, shide, shied, shier, shies, ships, shipt, shire, shirs, shirt, shist, shita, shits, shrap, shred, shrew, shrip, shris, sidas, sider, sides, sidha, sidhe, sidth, siest, sieth, siped, siper, sipes, sired, sires, sitar, sited, sites, sithe, spade, spaed, spaer, spaes, spahi, spaid, spair, spait, spard, spare, spars, spart, spate, spath, spats, spaws, spear, speat, speir, spets, spews, spide, spied, spier, spies, spira, spire, spise, spite, spits, sprad, sprat, spred, spret, sprew, sprit, stade, staid, stair, staph, staps, stare, stars, starw, stash, staws, stead, stear, steds, steid, steps, steri, stews, stied, sties, stipa, stipe, stire, stirp, stirs, strad, strae, strap, straw, strep, strew, stria, strid, strip, swads, swape, swaps, swapt, sward, sware, swart, swash, swath, swats, swear, sweat, sweir, swept, swerd, swies, swipe, swird, swire, swish, swith, swits, tahrs, taise, taish, taped, taper, tapes, tapir, tapis, tarde, tared, tares, tarie, tarps, tarse, tarsi, taser, tasse, tawed, tawer, tawie, tawpi, tawse, teads, tears, tehrs, tepas, tepid, terai, terap, teras, thars, thaws, theia, their, thews, third, thrae, thrap, thraw, threw, thrid, thrip, tiars, tides, tiers, tired, tires, tisar, trade, trads, trape, traps, trash, trass, tread, treas, tress, trews, triad, trias, tride, tried, tries, tripe, trips, tsade, tsadi, twaes, twerp, twier, wader, wades, wadis, wadts, waide, waird, wairs, waise, waist, waite, waits, wards, wared, wares, warps, warse, warst, warth, warts, wases, wasps, waste, wasts, water, wears, weids, weird, weirs, wersh, wests, wetas, whaps, whare, wharp, whart, whase, whatd, whats, whear, wheat, whets, whids, whips, whipt, whirs, whisp, whiss, whist, white, whits, wider, wides, width, wierd, wiped, wiper, wipes, wired, wires, wised, wiser, wises, wisha, wisht, wisps, wisse, wiste, wists, wited, wites, withe, withs, wraps, wrast, wrate, wrath, wreat, wrest, wride, wried, wries, wrist, write, writh, writs

4 Letter Words for Stewardship

adet, adit, adps, ahed, aide, aids, aire, airs, airt, aith, aits, aped, aper, apes, apis, apse, apts, ards, ared, ares, aret, arew, arid, aris, arte, arts, asps, asse, assi, asst, astr, ated, ates, atip, atis, awed, awes, daer, daes, dahs, dais, daps, dare, dari, dart, dase, dash, dasi, dast, date, dawe, daws, dawt, dear, deas, deaw, deia, deis, depa, depr, dept, desi, dess, deti, dews, dhai, dhaw, dias, dier, dies, diet, dips, dipt, dire, dirt, disa, dish, disp, dist, dita, dite, dits, drap, drat, draw, drew, drie, drip, dsri, eadi, eard, ears, east, eath, eats, edhs, edit, eira, epha, epit, eras, erat, eria, eris, ersh, erst, erth, ests, etas, eths, ewts, hade, hads, haes, hair, hait, haps, hard, hare, harp, hart, hasp, hast, hate, hats, haws, hdwe, head, heap, hear, heat, heid, heir, heps, hept, hera, herd, herp, hers, hert, hesp, hest, hets, hews, hewt, hide, hied, hies, hipe, hips, hipt, hire, hiss, hist, hits, iare, idea, ides, ipse, ired, ires, irpe, ised, isth, itas, iter, padi, pads, pahi, pahs, paid, pair, pais, pard, pare, pari, pars, part, pase, pash, pasi, pass, past, patd, pate, path, pats, paws, peai, pear, peas, peat, peda, peds, pehs, perh, peri, pers, pert, pesa, pess, pest, peta, pets, pews, phar, phat, phew, phis, phit, pias, pied, pier, pies, piet, pirs, pisa, pise, pish, piss, pist, pita, pith, pits, prad, prat, pred, pres, pret, prie, psha, psia, psid, psis, psst, psts, ptah, ptsd, rade, rads, rahs, raid, rais, rait, rape, raps, rapt, rash, rasp, rast, rate, rath, rats, raws, read, reap, reds, rehs, reit, reps, rept, resp, rest, retd, rets, rews, rhea, rhet, rias, ride, rids, ries, ripa, ripe, rips, ript, rise, risp, rist, rita, rite, rits, sade, sadh, sadi, sadr, said, saip, sair, sais, saps, sard, sare, sari, sars, sart, sash, satd, sate, sati, saws, sawt, seah, sear, seas, seat, seir, seis, seit, sepd, seps, sept, sers, sert, seta, seth, sets, sews, shad, shap, shaw, shea, shed, sher, shes, shet, shew, shia, ship, shir, shit, shpt, shri, sida, side, sidh, sids, sier, sipe, sips, sire, sirs, sise, sish, sist, sita, site, sith, sits, spad, spae, spar, spas, spat, spaw, sped, spet, spew, spie, spit, sris, ssed, stad, stap, star, staw, sted, step, ster, stew, stid, stie, stir, stra, stre, swad, swap, swat, swep, tade, tads, taed, tahr, tais, tape, taps, tare, tari, tarp, tars, tash, tass, taws, tead, teap, tear, teas, teds, tehr, tepa, tera, terp, tews, thae, thai, thar, thaw, thea, thed, thew, thir, this, tiar, tide, tids, tied, tier, ties, tipe, tips, tire, trad, trah, trap, tres, trew, trid, trie, trip, tshi, tsia, twae, twas, twie, wade, wadi, wads, wadt, waes, waid, wair, wait, waps, ward, ware, warp, wars, wart, wase, wash, wasp, wast, wate, wath, wats, wear, weds, weid, weir, wept, weri, wert, west, weta, wets, whap, whar, what, whet, whid, whip, whir, whit, whse, wide, wied, wipe, wips, wird, wire, wise, wish, wisp, wiss, wist, wite, with, wits, wrap, writ

3 Letter Words for Stewardship

ade, adh, adp, ads, aer, aes, ahi, ahs, aid, air, ais, ait, ape, aph, apr, apt, ard, are, ars, art, ase, ash, asp, ass, ast, ate, atp, awd, awe, aws, dae, dah, dap, dar, das, dat, daw, dea, dei, dep, der, des, det, dew, dha, dia, die, dip, dir, dis, dit, dph, dpi, dpt, dsp, dsr, dwt, ead, ear, eas, eat, edh, edp, eds, ehs, eir, epa, epi, era, erd, ers, ert, esd, esp, esr, ess, est, eta, eth, ewt, had, hae, hap, has, hat, haw, hed, hei, hep, her, hes, het, hew, hia, hid, hie, hip, hir, his, hit, hrs, hts, hwt, ida, ide, idp, ids, ihp, ihs, iph, ipr, ips, ira, ire, irs, ise, ish, ist, ita, itd, its, iwa, pad, pah, par, pas, pat, paw, pea, ped, peh, per, pes, pet, pew, phd, phi, phr, pht, pia, pid, pie, pir, pis, pit, pre, prs, psi, pst, psw, pta, pte, pts, pwr, pwt, rad, rah, rai, rap, ras, rat, raw, rea, red, reh, rei, rep, res, rew, rha, rhd, rhe, ria, rid, rie, rip, rit, rps, rpt, rte, rti, rtw, rwd, sad, sah, sai, sap, sar, sat, saw, sds, sea, sed, sei, sep, ser, set, sew, sha, she, shi, shp, shr, sht, sie, sip, sir, sis, sit, spa, sps, spt, sri, sse, ssh, ssp, ssw, sta, std, str, swa, tad, tai, tap, tar, tas, taw, tdr, tea, ted, ter, tes, tew, tha, thd, the, tid, tie, tip, tis, tpd, tph, tpi, tps, tra, tri, trp, trs, tsh, tsi, tsp, tss, twa, twi, twp, wad, wae, wah, wap, war, was, wat, wed, wer, wet, wha, whr, whs, wid, wir, wis, wit

Definitions for Stewardship

[1] the position and duties of a steward, a person who acts as the surrogate of another or others, especially by managing property, financial affairs, an estate, etc.
[2] the responsible overseeing and protection of something considered worth caring for and preserving: New regulatory changes will result in better stewardship of lands that are crucial for open space and wildlife habitat.

Words related to Stewardship

control, management, supervision, protection, conservancy, maintenance, care, sewing, housekeeping, keeping, safekeeping, saving, attention, storage, governing, upkeep, economy, salvation, custody, guardianship

Words nearby Stewardship

stevinus, stew, stew in one's own juice, steward, stewardess, stewardship, stewart, stewart island, stewart, james, stewart-holmes sign, stewart-treves syndrome

Origin of Stewardship

steward + -ship

Other words from Stewardship

un·der·stew·ard·ship , noun

Synonyms for Stewardship

care, conservancy, control, maintenance, management, protection, supervision, attention, custody, economy, governing, guardianship, keeping, safekeeping, salvation, saving, storage, supervising, sustentation, upkeep, cherishing, conserving, directing, guarding, managing, preserval, preserving, protecting, safeguarding